Friday, 30 March 2012

Banksy artworks.................................................................... sell for £400,000

A few weeks ago I made a post about the graffiti artist Banksy.
A collection of his work has just been sold for more than £400,000 ($639,760) at an auction in London.

Girl and Balloon one of 18 pieces sold on Thursday fetched £73,250 ($117,156) almost five times its estimated pre-sale price. The image has been painted directly onto the cardboard backing of an Ikea frame.

The stencil painting Leopard and Barcode which has never been under the hammer before sold for £75,650.
Not bad for a graffiti artist.

 Here's a few more images of his work that has made him famous.
They have probably increased the value of the buildings they are on.

My lovely warm sunshine has disappeared and the temperatures have dropped....our weather has returned to normal for this time of year.

Have a great weekend.


Bob Bushell said...

He is a brilliant artist, one for Banksy.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You have to admire him although he does have his critics. He is talented.

TexWisGirl said...

he's really phenomenal. so cool!

joo said...

WOW, great collection!

Gillian Olson said...

Thanks for sharing this wonderful collection of images.

Anonymous said...

Love it all!

Anonymous said...

Great stuff!

Carole M. said...

I'm not quite such an admirer of this kind of art though I can see and read into them and discover certain merits. Thanks for sharing Drew, it is amazing the $$'s that can be directed to someone's art once they gain their accreditations!

BlueShell said...

Unbelievable...that is awesome! Great work. Thank you for sharing with us.

The weather...o...cold, yes? here the spring came with sun...too much sun considering than the winter was dry! farmers are worried...I'm worried...

Isabel /BlueShell

Pantherka said...

Andrew, it is beautiful and fantastic.
In Prague the also quite cold, rain and wind blowing ugh.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is truly a talented artist, i notice his art is trying to tell us something in each one. the one of the child with the machine gun hurts my heart. i like the girl and baloon on the wall but not the one that was sold. i am trying to figure out what the dancers are telling us. thanks for sharing these, they are amazing.

LindyLouMac said...

Interesting but what an enormous sum his work sold for!

Unknown said...

Banksy's work is brilliant! I saw the 'Kissing Coppers' and others at Brighton.

Susan said...

Those are totally awesome!

Photo Cache said...

brilliant artist. i am loving all these works.

my entry is here: MONDAY MURAL

VioletSky said...

I do like Banksy's work, but think something is lost when a graffiti artists sells his work.

RedPat said...

He is such a talent

Dyanna said...

Hi. Thanks for posting these works. I love Banksy and I think he created a revolution in street art/ political art. His work is smart and funny and does the thing that street art is intended to do - make you look twice and think twice.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Definitely what Dyanna said. Of the samples you posted one cannot help but laugh out loud or choke with sadness. I'm dying to know how any of Banksy's work was "captured" so as to be available for auction. The auction news will definitely make the public sit up and take notice of street art. Thanks, Andrew, for participating in this week's Monday Mural.

Arija said...

Oh rats! There is no link to older posts, that Song Thrush is so elusive!

This street art really is just that, ART.