Sunday 18 December 2011

Sundays slippy stroll.................................................... to Haydn's Pool

It was wet all day yesterday with sleet in the rain... and I was woken during the night by the sound of the gutters overflowing during another downpour.
I was delighted to get up this morning to see the rain had stopped.

By the time I was ready to go out the sky was blue and the sun was shining... but it was very cold.
I stayed local as the roads were icy and went to see how Haydn's Pool was getting along.

This lovely little Robin greeted me at the car park.

It was a bit treacherous underfoot so I kept to the grassy verges for a bit of grip.
The shadow is mine... I was going to delete this image but it does show off the low winter sun.

I used the steps up to Haydn's Pool..... the path was covered in ice.

Haydn's Pool was frozen..... a dry bed throughout the summer drought.
 Refilled just a few weeks ago... the rain of the past few days has increased the water levels.
After a summer of no water for the birds it's full...... but frozen over..... and not a bird in sight.

I left by the back door... there are 37 steps.
I counted them as I descended... 39 steps sounds better.
Witton Brook lies below and is the stream used to refilled the pool... it's quite steep.

Looking back up the steps from the path below.
  A flock of Redwings were enjoying the berries and lovely to see through my binoculars.
I only had my travel zoom (18-200mm) so no images to share.

My shadow was getting longer as I headed over towards Neumanns Flash.
Part II of my walk tomorrow.


  1. Here in Edmonton, Canada, we got a little rain then it turned to snow and is very slippery on the roads. Hopefully the sanders will be out today. Great photos of your walk, love the little Robin.

  2. what a beautiful place for a stroll. But not an icy one, you are the brave one. The scenery and photos are lovely. Have a wonderful week and happy birding.

  3. I got vertigo from looking down the stairs! :)

  4. love the shadow shots! you should link in to Shadow Shot Sunday with these! :)

    brrr to the ice, though! we had sun here yesterday - about 60F. today is gray and overcast and 40s. not photo-taking weather.

  5. Super header photo, Andrew! Love your long shadow in the last photo! There ought to be a (spooky) story with that.

  6. Shadow shots are good. Always think twice before deleting them. I like your little robins more and more as you show them. Much cuter than our American Robins. It looks so very cold. I do not think I would fair to well in it. Have a nice week Andrew.

  7. You had such a lovely walk, Andrew!

  8. Such a wonderful, scenic walk, so fresh after rain! I smiled about your water overflow! That was just our scenario last night on the Mornington Peninsula!

  9. What a beautiful collection of photos! I love the robin and enjoyed your other post explaining about the bird in Mary Poppins. Yes, robins in the US are quite large!

  10. well thanks for the enjoyable little tour. I love your steps, and yes, 39 does sound better. that was one required movie for studying in my college film class. I love your shadow shots - you might think twice before deleting them. and I love the names of the spots you visited - Neumann's Flash, Haydn's Pool. lovely. thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello, I truly appreciate that. happy day to you Andrew. careful on those steps now.

  11. Hello Andrews, thanks for stopping by our blog, The Frog & PenguINN. I enjoyed being outdoors on this walk with you today. After the nasty weather you lucked out and some great shots. We are hoping for a bit of snow and cold weather here but none is forecast (sadly).

  12. You can keep that icy weather, but continue sending the beautiful outdoor scenes.

  13. Beautiful captures!!!
    Merry Christmas my blogging friend who lives across the pond. Hugs!!!

  14. Gorgeous!

    My shadow entry. Thank you for supporting the new team of SSS. Happy holidays!

  15. Love those long wintery shadows. What a pretty walk you went on. It's sure looks cold there in spite of the sunny skies. Enjoy the week!

  16. I enjoyed taking your walk through your photos - thank you :)

  17. A grand wander......awful walking conditions I have some spikes. They are cheap and effective.

  18. Thanks for taking us along on your (cold!)walk Andrew. Great pics...[;o)

  19. Sunday was a nice day for a change Andrew and because it was so cold it kept the hordes indoors, as your ramble photos show.

  20. Andrew, beautiful photos of walks.

  21. Beautiful photos, Andrew! I really like the colorful robin!

  22. Great walk Andrew!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  23. Great photos and great description of your walk. I enjoy reading about the cold but am rather glad I am sitting in the heat and humidity of a southern summer!

  24. the delightful robin again; I admire how you're so enthused to get out amongst them regardless of the weather. I guess if you gave up in winter, that's a long time to wait it out and some kind of withdrawals would set in. Interesting to note the longer shadow in the final photograph. Look forward to the rest of your walk/photographs Andrew.

  25. Cracking Robin photo! wow! I love to follow your way on your trail. I can almost smell the crispy winter air!

  26. Wonderful shot of the robin! Thank you for taking us on your walk through this beautiful area. Nice shadow shot!

  27. Wonderful shot of the robin! Thank you for taking us on your walk through this beautiful area. Nice shadow shot!

  28. a nice area to spend a day or two. :) I love that header shot you put up. :)

  29. A lovely cold walk and rather treacherous under foot. I hope you carry your phone wherever you go, it is dangerous when you are out alone. I even carry mine between our houses or hanging out the washing.
    Stay safe and have a vey

    Happy Christmas!!!

  30. An enjoyable walk at your local Andrew.

    You 'shadow' shot immediately had me thinking how much that pathway reminded me of Summer Leys, in Northamptonshire.

  31. It's lovely even in the winter..the weather has been odd here..warm with rain to cold and sleet making it slippery to walk....I like the shadows..the long ones make me look Holidays...

  32. Lovely shot of the Robin!
    Your photos show us a beautiful place to roam.

  33. You are just filled with film references this week. The 39 Steps I liked much better too. Love Hitchcock!
