Monday 19 December 2011

Part II of Sundays stroll.............. a quick look at frozen Neumanns Flash

A few more images of yesterdays walk around my local patch.

Marbury Lane had a bit of the sunshine... but the road was covered in ice...
It was a bit of a worry as I feared for my camera... a fall could have been very expensive.

It was very slippy... walking along the narrow grassy verge was the best option.
This is the path down to No.1 Hide... it doesn't seem that long ago I was filming butterflies here.

A view of a frozen Neumanns Flash from the Bird Hide.

Lapwings gathered near a break in the ice.

A lovely sunny day but very cold... the frost wasn't shifting in the shade.

... frozen but at least the recent rain has raised the water levels.

Almost back at the car park and I had managed to do the circuit without falling over.


  1. always good to protect the arse and the camera! :)

  2. Gotta watch the ice Andrew!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. Glad you made it round safely Andrew...[;o)

  4. You should have put on your golf shoes for the walk, oopps maybe you don't Golf.;-) Have a great week.

  5. Looks like a great walk - feel like I should be doing something similar. I really like your robin in your header - I had never seen one like this before and now I've seen two out in blogland - fascinating and beautiful!

  6. Everything looks so pretty with the little touches of snow and your new Winter Header is just delightful!!! just like a Christmas card.

  7. love the header photograph. It sure does look dangerous trekking; glad you didn't slide! How those lapwings feet don't stick to the ice?? Fabulous photos, I enjoyed them without feeling the cold too much.

  8. I just can't relate to what it must be like to walk on a frozen path. It sure is a nice area you have tho.

  9. I hate the ice. Give me snow. Worth going out for a splash of sun. The pool looks fine now.

  10. Looks like a lovely walk on beautiful day:)

  11. Such lovely countryside. It makes me want to jump on the next plane and explore more of the UK.
    Great captures & I love your new header!!

  12. Beautiful pictures! The path covered with ice, but you just went, but it turned out well.
