Saturday 31 December 2011

A few from my garden during 2011.............................. Happy New Year

 Wildlife images taken in my garden during 2011.
Happy New Year and I wish you all the best for 2012.



... and Fieldfare.

I have Blackbirds nesting in my little garden...

...this is the Male.

Long-tailed Tits are always lovely to see...

...and always arrive in numbers.

Goldfinches visit all year long... these are feeling a bit warmer than the one in the first image.

House Sparrows are lovely little birds to see.

A Racing Pigeon... he spent a few days enjoying my hospitality... as do a few other species.

Grey Squirrels destroy my feeders on a regular basis.

Wood Mouse...this lovely little mouse lives underground in my garden and the most I have seen at one time is adult and two youngsters... and they don't try to invade my house.
The House Mouse is a different species originally from Asia and is the pest I thankfully don't see.

I wish you all a wonderful 2012... Happy New Year.


  1. Cor some nice pics here, especially mouse.... and I am partial to the ole robin. Nice header. See more of your blog in the new year, cheers

  2. Lovely series Andrew

    Really love the Tits Pics and the and Godfinches, they are both quite different from ours.

    Quite nice photo of the little Mouse.

    Again Nice series

  3. all of these are beautiful, but that mouse just melts my heart!!! and i so love your blackbirds - built so much like our robins here. :)

  4. A lovely selection from your garden. Have a Beautiful New Year to you as well.

  5. Dear Andrew!
    I wish you all the best in New year! Hugs and Kisses!

  6. You've got some great garden visitors there Andrew.
    All the best for 2012.

  7. Some lovely images Andrew. Have a great New Year and I look forward to more from you in 2012. Cheers, Seumus

  8. Wow, I'd love to trade yard birds for a day! Beautiful shots!

  9. Interesting how your birds have similar names but look much different than mine in my yard. Love that little mouse, despise the squirrel for the very reason you mention. Okay, onward to 2012 Andrew.

  10. Lovely collection of birds and rodents, Andrew. Have a wonderful New Year! You probably just started ringing out the old one with a melancholic Auld Lang Syne. Well, stay well and by happy, and keep up you wonderful blog!

  11. A great collection of yardbirds. the Goldfinches are my favorite. Happy New Year, Andrew!

  12. A great set of images from the year Andrew. Happy New Year to you and yours...[;o)

  13. A brilliant selection Andrew. Happy new year and hope you have a great 2012.

  14. I thank you for your friendship.
    Wishing you a Happy and Cheerful 2012

  15. Hi Andrew, I love the goldfinch enjoying his snowshake! A great shot. Native mice are such a pleasure to have around, remember the carolling field mice in 'Wind in the Willows'? With the first winter rains we have to guard against an invasion of imported mice and rats in the house but the joy of my life was a tiny native hopping mouse that hops on its hind legs much like a kangaroo. Our dining room bay window goes down to the floor and it was foraging along the edge of the verandah.
    Your blackbirds must be very tame for you to get such good shots of them.

    I hope the New Year brings you much joy exploring the country and all it's natural wonders.

    XOX . . . Arija

  16. each beautiful photographs Andrew. The bird feeders must be a constant joy to watch. The wood-mouse is sweet; what a great photo! Shame the squirrels are pesky (they look so good though). It's a long winter for you; the birds must be so grateful for the handouts you offer; imagine what it's like for them?! How cold their feet must be!

  17. Nice group of photos.

    Happy New Years Andrew! Many Hugs!!!

  18. Hi Andrew ....lovely photo's but just a smidgin of your wonderful ones you have shown us this year!!
    That little mouse is the cutiest!!
    It is very close to midnight there I I wish you the very best in 2012 and a Happy New Year..
    Hugs and xxx

  19. Such a nice walk thru your garden.... thanks! And one of my all-time-mostest-favoritist photos is the one on your header. It brings me joy each time I see it!

    Happy new year, filled with peace and blessings!

  20. Beautiful little stroll thru your garden. Your photos are awesome!

  21. Looks like you had a great 2011 and here's to a great 2012. Happy New Year! sandie♥

  22. Cracking shots!
    My Favs are the LTTs and the Finches, such Beauties!

  23. Charmingly cute visitors! Happy New Year!!

  24. Beautiful captures! I too have shared one from my garden.
    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  25. A wonderful selection....have a great year Andrew.

  26. It was a good year :)
    It's always fun to see birds from other places. Your goldfinches are so different from ours.

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  27. Another great set of lovely photographs. Best wishes for 2012, Andrew.

  28. Belos clicks.
    « ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
    ╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
    ║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
    ║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ NEW YEAR ☆ 2012
    ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ♥¥☆★☆★☆¥♥ ★☆ ♥♥♥ »
    Que em 2012 as conquistas cheguem em sua vida como confetes: abundantes, alegres e festivas.

  29. Nice group of photos.

    I wish you a Happy New Year!

  30. Lovely creatures around your yard! happy new year to you too! I love the little mousy!

  31. What a great variety of wildlife in your garden, Andrew. Lucky if I get a Starling in mine! Great shots, and have a great 2012!
