Wednesday 14 December 2011

Calm before the storm................................ and what a downpour it was

It's been very cold wet and very windy this week in the UK so no decent sky images to share.
These pictures were taken in August 2009.

These lovely fluffy clouds were drifting over my intended destination in the summer of 2009.
These images were taken as I walked from the car park to Haydn's Pool.

It's a lovely short walk from the free car park.
It wasn't long before I was watching some lovely birds.... this Reed Warbler was showing well.
Regular visitors will be aware that this is my favourite place to watch birds and contemplate life.

The heavens opened about half an hour after my arrival.

It really chucked it down.
I spent a couple of hours watching the birds in the rain... it was still raining as I made my way back to the car park... Backpack under my waterproof jacket to protect my camera etc.
We have had very little rain during 2011and Haydn's Pool really suffered from the drought.
The Rangers that look after the reserve have refilled it by pumping water up from Witton Brook.
"It didn't need any help in 2009"

SkyWatch Friday


  1. Nice series Andrew

    Sky pictures and bird are beautiful.
    You have pouring rain, we have snow.

    Days are short... and dark

    Cant win'em all :-)

  2. well, i'd be complaining about your rains, but we are managing to get a few sprinkles here today. almost 70 degrees as well.

  3. Nice post Andrew. It's been hail that we have suffered from this week including very strong winds. It was so bad on Tuesday that the windows on my office were visibly flexing under strong gusts.

  4. Shame about our rainstorm, bad news.

  5. Great series, love to see the blue sky.
    Here it is raining a lot too.

  6. Hi Andrew ..I love those big billowing clouds, just beautiful ..but they usually mean trouble and they delivered ; }
    A shame that this years rain's where not as such, and the pond suffered for it!

  7. I suspected you would be well prepared in case of rain. I think of would have got caught. I like that bird blind. The one place close to me that has one is in need of a good cleaning. Next time I go I may pack a broom along to knock down all the webs.

  8. It looked a grand day.
    It was good to be reminded of warm rain.

  9. Great series, I love the big white cloud. Cute shot of the Reed Warbler. Wonderful photos, Andrew. Have a great day!

  10. From nice fluffy clouds to a downpour, a normal British day!! Great series of photos Andrew....[;o)

  11. Whoa, did those clouds change that day! Your archives are a treasure trove - thanks for sharing.

  12. I love bg white clouds like on your photos

  13. The clouds appear as white cotton balls.

    They are very beautiful.

  14. Beautiful skies, inviting walkway, little birds to watch and 'capture', and leaning to dance in the rain! :)
    Lovely shots Andrew!

  15. Love the big clouds and blue skies -- well, for while they were there, but as Carletta wrote, a chance to dance in the rain! Beautiful little bird! Hope you have a great weekend, Andrew!


  16. Lovely cumulus clouds - and what a nice and detailed photo of bird.

  17. Great series, Andrew. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  18. beautiful photos you have here on your blog :D

  19. Love those pure white clouds. It's fun to see the places people like to haunt to see birds.

  20. Love the white fluffy clouds and summer sunshine. Great to capture these times to look bak on.

  21. I love the fluffy clouds. The look like something tasty to eat:)

  22. Isn't it amazing that such lovely clouds can send such a downpour? The last two shots really show how much it was raining. Great series! Have a lovely weekend!

  23. Beautiful!!! Love the view of the rain through the wooden slats. Enjoy the weekend's skies, blue, grey, or filled with a pallet of many colors!

  24. i love the 2nd photo, just the white and blue...

  25. Sometimes, we just have to go to our archives.
    I hope the rains come to your part of the world soon. After a very wet season last year, California has so far been pretty dry this rainy season. Too much rain, too little rain, both are hard on the animals an the farmers.

  26. Those clouds are just awesome. We've been having rain all day here as well.

  27. Nice series of shots. Have a great weekend

  28. Nice job capturing the rain. And incredible blue sky with white clouds.

  29. Nice photos and nice shot of that Reed Warbler! Hope you get enough rain in 2012!

  30. Great series of shots, wonderful Andrew!

  31. Ah, good old English rain! Nice to see it from the comfort of my study!!

    Stewart M - Australia

  32. Andrew, I hope the rain comes back as it should. We had something like 12 years of it until recently...exhausting.
    Your Reed Warbler is a delight.

  33. What wonderful cloud shots! And the rain looks pretty in the last one.

  34. Awesome photos, beautiful blog. You live in a beautiful area of the world. :)
    Darryl & Ruth :)

  35. Wonderful series, and the big, white cumulus are really great!

  36. Fluffy clouds, rain, you had it all! :-) Lovely post.

  37. Hi Andrew, this is a marvelous selection you've shared with us. Always enjoy my visits here.

  38. Great summer skies, clouds, walk and downpour. In weather like that, don't you wish you were a child again and could really enjoy getting drenched?

  39. Nice pics i don't care if they are from 2009. You go with what you got.
