Saturday 19 November 2011

A remake of my Doctor Dolittle experience..... feeding the birds by hand

At the end of November last year I had a wonderful experience... a little Robin fed from my hand.
We had a big freeze in Cheshire at the time and as I had a few day's holiday due to me I took a few day's holiday work to do nothing but wander around my local woodlands enjoying the wildlife.
I captured some video clips and made my first little movie for my blog.

The birds were eating out of my hand.
The original is here if you want to view it.

It was a lovely experience.


  1. that made me smile! your robins are so darn cute! and having one land in your hand is just too cool! :)

  2. I love your videos, Andrew! What a fantastic experience! Little Robin is so cute:)
    Have a great Sunday!

  3. Andrew, just beautiful video. Great, really.

  4. That was wonderful Andrew! I really need to get out and shoot some video. You inpsire me as always. Imagine the courage it took for that little Robin to land on your hand. Yes, like TewWisGirl said "that made me smile".

  5. Andrew, these were great! And the music was perfect. How awesome to get them to eat from your hand. You make winter look good!

  6. I don't normally bother with videos but that was great. I love the sound of the crisp footsteps on the frosty / snowy ground.

  7. Feeding horses is not exactly the same lovely feeling as for you with this robin. Lovely, lovely, Andrew!

  8. Didn't 'Mr Dolittle' do well?...[;o)

  9.'re handsome! But you were freezing, indeed!!! The duck was nor very polite was he???


  10. Excellent,Robins can be really friendly if you've the patience.
    I was once filming a red squirrel when a robin sat staring at me a couple of feet away.Unfortunately I had no feed with me.Seeing your video has made me determined to take a bag of seed on my travels.

  11. What a great experience!
    Me and the Doodles have hand fed Black-capped Chickadees and Tufted's the coolest thing!

  12. That was really cool - he took a minute to see if he could trust you and he did! sandie

  13. Though I've had robins come really close, I've never had one in the palm of my hand. Just wonderful!

  14. Fun video, Andrew. I hope you told them that the hand gets cold. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  15. Looks cold...this was so sweet..thank you for sharing....

  16. Love your video, thanks for sharing.
    Awesome to get them to eat from your hand.

  17. To have a bird take food from your hand like that, is one of life's greatest experiences Andrew.
    Excellent video.

  18. What a beautiful video! It must have been a thrill to have that little Robin eating from your hand.

  19. Dr.Dolittle indeed! I wonder if the wildlife was this friendly in the garden of Eden? You certainly have the magic Andrerw!

  20. well I totally enjoyed this Andrew. To feel the chill, hearing the crispy-under-foot was quite the experience! Thankyou for taking the time to do this. I not only loved the robin, but loved how you left some feed for it on the seat after you'd shared him trusting you for that moment on the film. Well done; hope you'd do many more for your blog in future; it was really something special.

  21. Very cool video and experience, Andrew! Your litle robin is adorable.

  22. I can't even imagine what it was like to have such a sweet little bird eating out of your hand!

  23. Ah Andrew, I was able to open this movie and enjoyed it very much. Greetings Jo (Kenya)

  24. That's lovely! I enjoyed your video. I tried to pet a duck recently and got pecked in return. :)

  25. Fantastic, Andrew! I didn't know Robins could be this tame. Here it's the Chickadees who will do the same thing. Always a thrill to see a wild bird so trusting.
