Sunday 20 November 2011

A lovely place to visit on a dull day..................................... Haydn's Pool

It was cold and damp here today with grey skies... not a good day for taking photographs.
I decided to stay local and had a short walk around my local woods ending up as I often do with a visit to Haydn's Pool.

The trees still have a bit of colour to brighten up the landscape.

The small wood leading to Marbury Lane had sheltered a few small trees from the autumn winds...

 ...which were hanging on to their golden leaves.

Haydn's Pool was looking great now it has been refilled.

I only had my travel lens with me today and the birds were too far away to capture.
In saw Teal, Mallard, Shoveler, Coots plus a single Canada Goose enjoying it's new waters.
As long as I have been visiting this little pool it has always been a magnet for wading birds.
It is fairly shallow and usually has a muddy shoreline ideal for probing waders.

The water level is much higher than I have ever seen before and the muddy shore is non existent at the moment.  I didn't see any wading birds today.. not even the usual Heron.
Neumanns Flash is only a few hundred yards away and has plenty of waders so I am sure as soon as the conditions change over the next few months Haydn's Pool will again be alive with many species.

Let's not forget it was completely empty just a few weeks ago and it was great to the information board was back in use.

As I left I spotted this fungi in the field next to the footpath.
It was the size of a dinner plate (my car key is three inches long)  I don't know what it is?
Nothing like it in my book collection.... there were two side by side the other was half the size.

I want to know are they edible?... if so I will be back to pick them tomorrow.

 Highlight of the day was a young lad with his dad visiting Haydn's Pool for the first time.
I guess he was about ten years old but his knowledge and enthusiasm for birds was wonderful.
 I got the impression his father was encouraging his passion without being a birder himself.... a lovely thing to do... I really hope I bump into them again.


  1. Wonderful walk, Andrew. Even on a gray day it's beautiful.
    Thanks for taking us along!

  2. the 3rd and 4th photos were especially beautiful to me. nice to see your water levels are high again (sigh...)

  3. It must have been wonderful to go out in that weather, I'm not that sort of person. Brilliant series Andrew.

  4. A lovely place to visit! It's great to show the youngsters the wildlife and get them involved.

  5. I like the photo number 4. The autumn :)

  6. Hi Andrew...Maybe for you you would prefer to show us weather perfect photo's , but I very much like seeing what it is like there no matter the weather...
    Really like that the sign's are back up and the pond is full is looking lovely again !!
    Amazing mushroom ...we had very few in my area this year last year was the year!

    You have a good week

  7. Isn't great to have such a wonderful resource so close to home? We who have that are very fortunate. I'd suggest leaving the fungi alone so that others may enjoy and stick to the ones in the food stores. Be safe.

  8. It is said that one can make a judge of whether a fungi is edible by boling fungi with rice, if the rice is black, then the fungi cannot be eaten, anyway, i didn't try myself, and i cannot tell whether it is true and helpful, you've heard it before? Maybe you can have a try

  9. Andrew, It looks like a Giant Funnel cap. Not poisonous but can make you sick.

  10. Thanks for that Adrian I'll leave it where it is.

  11. Andrew, beautiful images.
    I am happy with pond water. And signs ... it suber.
    The mushrooms do not know, but have you decided to leave it there instead :-) It will be safer :-)

  12. Terrific walk, Andrew! Autumn adds it certain charm and mood:)
    Don't eat these mushrooms - they might make you sick as Adrian said, however they're not really poisonous!

  13. It looks like the pool is coming back to life now Andrew, you already have a good selection of birds, with more to follow, I'm sure...[;o)

  14. I felt that I was right there on the walk with you. That fungi is something!

  15. I enjoyed the walk - looks kind of gray here today too, but it will burn off and be sunny.

    Love the nature that is in your own back yard.


  16. You've made a dull day look colourful and oh so interesting!

  17. What a big mushroom! The views above are wonderful.

  18. Hello Andrew

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