Sunday 2 October 2011

October 2011......................................................... the hottest on record

The 1st of October was the the hottest October day in the UK since records began.
It was over 80f here.... crazy!
I have had a great week off work and I couldn't have wished for better weather.
I took advantage and had a lovely walk around my local woodlands.
 Autumn stuff is happening.... it's the temperatures that are all wrong.

 I shared my lunch with this little Robin...

 I was taking video clips of my day.
I took a couple of the Robin singing... unfortunately taken into the sun so a bit dark.
I have included them in my little film... his song is still nice to hear.

 Common Earthballs on the woodland floor... I am still searching the fields for my first Puffballs.
Birch Polypore were plentiful.

Horse Chestnuts...commonly known as conkers were dropping from the trees as well as the acorns... were the Crab Apples.
I wore a cap today to protect my head from the sun...  I could have done with a safety helmet.

This tree was standing when I passed it earlier... woodland management never stops.
A beautiful day.

To see more wonderful birds click on the image below.
World Bird Wednesday XLVI



  1. A grand post...........Good to see a Robin. There are one or two around but I suspect they haven't had a good year.
    I'll have to leave the video or I'll be here all day. Snail band I have here.

  2. Autumn is pleasant time and, the conkers and mushrooms are the greatest.

  3. beautiful little robin. and thanks for explaining the horse chestnuts. we don't have them here.

  4. It's so hot here too! I will definitely not spot mushrooms soon. Lovely set of shots.

  5. 80 degrees is a normal day in these parts. I love them. Another fine video which I pick up a few new tips each time I view one. Thanks. A nice set of photos. I particularly like the little Robin.

  6. Great post!! Nice to see chestnuts again. We called them Conkers also and used to string them on a line to throw at each other. Pretty tough kids, don't you think? Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  7. I had 28.2C in my garden yesterday! Great set of autumnal images. It's falling Acorns that we are having to be careful of around here.

  8. Oddly it is has been cooler here.
    I adore the different from the Robins here.
    Sweet post Andrew!

  9. Thank you for the walk in the woods. Especially liked the video. Thanks for your visit and decision to follow my blog. Don't know Northwich, but I do know Chester and Northern Wales. I look forward to more of your posts.

  10. Wow, a beautiful post with excellent photos. Love the 'conkers'... a perfectly descriptive name as they fall from the tree and conk you in the head!

  11. Autumn is a beautiful chestnut and belongs to it :-)

  12. Your heatwave even made the news downunder in OZ!! Enjoy the great weather while it lasts!!

  13. No sweat with these temperatures..
    You took great pictures.
    The little Robin, so cute!!!!!

  14. It is nice to have some great weather, your photos and video are great. I love the bird sounds. Your robin is just adorable. Great photos and happy birding.

  15. Lovely autumn photos. You've had a late and hot autumn and at the opposite side of the globe we are having an early hot summer!

  16. Just love the little robin and the ramble around your woodland!

  17. Horse chestnuts are amazing, I don't know why, but never can help picking them:)

  18. A nice taste of Autumn in the UK. I'm happy you could take advantage of an unusually warm and sunny day!

  19. I love the first shot - looks like a lovely walking path! So many beautiful signs of fall. The little robin is lovely!

  20. Hi Andres. I added your blog to my Google Reader list so here I am catching up on some back posts that I somehow missed earlier. What a great walk that hot day was -- I laughed at your needing a safety helmet and it looks as if that would have been the truth for sure! Great that you had the day off to enjoy that unseasonable warm weather~ one to remember during the cold damp winter days!
