Sunday 4 September 2011

Summers returned.......... it's been a beautiful day

I woke up this morning to lovely sunshine so I decided to do part of my favourite walk through Cheshire.
The Sandstone Trail runs through the centre of the county North to South following the sandstone ridge for 34 miles. Its a fabulous walk and there are many guide books describing short circular walks which enable you to do the whole trail in sections.
My walk today to me up to the highest point of the trail Rawhead.
OK so 227m (746ft) isn't very high and it was a pleasant stroll and as Cheshire is a flat county you can see for miles on a clear day.
Today was a clear day.... and I could make out both of Liverpools cathedrals in the distance.
Beeston Castle
The Sandstone Trail is very well maintained and has regular markers throughout the route...
...handy to rest on now and again.
Rawhead has a a trig point...there are 6557 of these in the UK...
...or at least there were as some no longer exist.
Britain was mapped by the Ordnace Survey and trig points were built from 1935 to provide a mounting point for their theodolites.
I have added a link if you wish to read more.
I don't know why but I decided to retrace my steps instead of continuing on my chosen route.
"mind your head!"
 Sandstone outcrops and old quarries are seen along the whole trail.
 I was having such a pleasant day I even produced a smile.
Don't do it I wonder where the "laughter lines" came from.
As I said I don't know what made me retrace my steps but I was so pleased I did. As I returned tomy car I passed a field and saw three guys with a couple of falcons. I am not shy in coming forward so just walked over and asked if I could take images of their birds. Goshawks are beautiful and I was told these were on their first trip out into the countryside.
I assume they are captive bred birds being trained for display.
Sorry I forgot to ask.

Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)
A beautiful sunny day,a lovely walk and a serendipity moment to put the icing on the cake.
I have a lot more of my day to share including more images of the Goshawks...
...and a sandstone Elephant and Castle?


  1. What can be better - beautiful nature, lovely day,and smile:)
    Superb post!
    Have a nice week and keep smiling!

  2. Hi all have he nicest places there with marked trails .
    Lovely walk and beautiful scenery ...Bear's in those woods know the one who took your photo LOL!!
    Amazing birds, but I am not sure I agree with the sport of it or whatever they call doing this!!

    Ps loved the nostalgia post on bikes and dancing ..way cool!!


  3. Is that your repaired camera, because the pictures of the Goshawk is fantastic.

  4. such a great day! nice walk, beautiful scenery to evoke a smile, and raptors close-up and personal! :)

  5. Superb photos of a stunning bird! The walk looks pretty inspiring too! ;)
    Looks like you had a better day than we did in the East, it hasn`t stopped to rain!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  6. Nice trip, great weather and beautiful shots!

  7. Great hike!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  8. The last two pictures are very well done!

  9. It is a beautiful place. Beeston Castle is that the one visible from the East Lancs Road? I like walking back the same way. It's amazing how I see things in a different light.
    Great pictures of the Hawks. The icing on the cake.

  10. Great post!
    The last shot is outstanding!

    Warm hug.

  11. Magnificent Andrew, both the country side and the goshawks. My guardian angel often changes course for me for very good reasons and yours obviously did not intend for you to miss this treat. Aren't they kind to us mere mortals?

  12. Looks like a great walk Andrew. Beautiful pictures of the Goshawks. ....[;o)

  13. Andrew, what a beautiful place for a walk. And it was very cool at the end to see and photograph the Goshawks. Awesoem photos.

  14. Looks like an excellent place to walk, especially if there is falconry to enjoy as well. Goshawks are top of my must see list for next spring.

  15. Gorgeous hawk shots and amazing rock on that path!

  16. What a wonderful opportunity to take bird photos! Looks like you had a brilliant day all round.
