Wednesday 14 September 2011

Bird on a Wire................. will pylons become Art?

 I have already posted this first image was the only bird seen during my visit to Furey Wood.
The post turned into a semi rant about pylons and power lines ruining my view.
A quick wave before departing... a more natural perch...
... in the trees!
I have since found out that there is a competition to design a pylon that is easy on the eye.
The following design images have nothing to do with me but I thought I would share them. day these may cover our landscape.
The pylon below already exists... I have seen it while on holiday in Florida.
It was outside a theme park... the names on the tip of my tongue... something World?
...are they taking the.....  Mickey!


  1. eek! no thanks. i'll keep industrial-style or country rustic ones...

  2. The whole pylons is a good idea, especially the person who was a poser, it must have been great. Mind you, it would be better underground.

  3. Hi Andrew...good heavens...what is this world coming to lol!!
    That's enough to give an adult nightmares...
    It's bad enough what is running through the atmosphere that we can't see let alone what we can!!
    Perhaps if they made them look like a tree and painted them green???? haha!! ; }


  4. Gigantic creatures stretching wire across the landscape? Uh-uh!

  5. Whoa...strange wire creatures abound here and abroad! The Hawk is a comforting sight.:)

  6. The things we humans do. I kind of like the giant wire carriers in comparison to the ones we have now, but I'm with Bob, lets take it underground. I'm just tired of wires! My back yard as a kid had 54 wires in view.

  7. I think they're awful things. Spoil a landscape completley.
    So much for progress. I think somewhere, we got it all wrong.

  8. I think they should be underground. More expensive but far less trouble.

  9. This is very strange wire constructions. A great post, Andrew.

  10. Another great post Andrew!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  11. I so agree with you, power lines ruin so many great shots, *sigh*

  12. Very very interesting. It would be an improvement. Great photos.

  13. Very strange wire constructions... but I love it!
    Happy SWF and greetings from Holland,

  14. Lovely bird, know what you mean about the wires. Anytime I take photos in a picturesque little town even, there are always so many wires in the way. Those new designs are interesting, and I had a chuckle at the last photo and your commentary.

  15. I think the curved one may have a future but the people? No thanks!

  16. I love this post Andrew!
    Wires do tend to get in the way but I really like your first shot with the blue glass conductors. If the wires had to be there the blue glass enhances more than distracts for me.
    I guess I'm weird but I love the people pylons. They at least made me smile. There are places where miles of wire must be strung across mountains and valleys and underground isn't feasible. The people shapes are at least whimsical.

  17. Such a fun post! Love the mix of serious, playful and slightly sarcastic tone! Great range of shots! Especially like those skeletal, wired people!

  18. LOL - taking the mickey! Ha ha! Lovely shots.

  19. Very interesting. Beautiful photos!

  20. Good post and a worthy rant...

  21. Great post and love the idea's of the pylons

  22. That is adding some humor to otherwise serious technical innovations. :)

  23. Wow .. rounded looks good, it would make me quite well liked, but the rest ....

  24. How cool! Here they build them with some kind of shelves for the storks to nest.

  25. Excellent photographs.

    Regards and best wishes

  26. Functional art - but then sometimes the "real" shape becomes something of beauty after you see it often enough. - Margy

  27. These are FAAAAABULOUS!! I like the curved ones in the yellow field ... Wouldn't it be great to legislate for something REALLY important - like good design??!!
