Monday 22 August 2011

Birdfair 2011........... a few more images of my day

A few more images of my day at the British Birdfair at the weekend.
If you havn't read the previous post please keep scrolling.... it was a great day out.
A bird ringing display by the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology)
A beautiful little Sedge Warbler
A live painting display... wonderful to watch.
Osprey sculpture.
The location of Birdfair is at Egleton... the village church was visable from the showground.
The show was attended by well known television presenters and wildlife film makers.
Simon King is one of the most popular (especially with the ladies) ... can't see it myself.. lol
The queue to get a signed copy of his latest book says it all.
A really nice guy... he had plenty of time for everyone.
... and posed for them all for a photo.
I was most impressed as he stood up when he greeted every one of them.... top bloke!
The celebrity quizzes were very entertaining...
...watched by a full house.
Tim Appleton...founder and organiser of Birdfair has been doing this since 1989 raising millions of pounds for birding conservation all over the world.
For more info click on the link below to view their website which includes Birdfair TV.

A bit off topic.
 I once read that during economic downturns people choose to buy dull coloured cars.
All shades of greys and dull blues filled the car parks.
Well heyho! guess who drives the little red Citroen... I always look on the positive side.....ish?

To see more beautiful birds at World Bird Wednesday click on the link below.
To see more images of my trip to Birdfair please keep scrolling.


  1. Beautiful photos, you have enjoyed the nice weekend and the last photo with the cars in the parking lot to amuse me ... cool :-)

  2. gracias por compartir, tu camino,bellas imágenes de tu gente, el escritor , con la humildad de los grandes. buena noticia , el trabajo para la conservación de las aves.te invito a ver mi post en planeta verde. saludos desde el fin del mundo.

  3. I must get this in the diary for next year. It really does look like a good day or two out.

  4. No one will get anywhere unless they look on the positive side. Looks like you had a great time at the birdfair. Love the little warbler, the lovely church steeple, and the car color info. I get tired of seeing such "drab" cars these days, but there probably is something to what you say about the economy and the car color. Have a nice day. Mickie :)

  5. Must be something to see Andrew!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  6. Great post again.
    That Simon King is one of the few presenters I've got any time for. Top bloke in my opinion.

  7. Looks like a great fair to attend! Your images captured the events beautifully. Love the stunning Sedge Warbler! Great post!

  8. It sounds like a fantastic day and a great series of photos to remember it with.

  9. This birdfair sounds like fun. I love the first shot of the bird and the pretty church steeple. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  10. Hi there - looks like it was a great day. How things have changed - not that long ago being a birder was a bit like being single when you were 45 - people felt sorry for you, but could never think of anything to say! Oh how the world has turned!

    Stewart M _ Australia

  11. Such a very worth while cause and a wonderful day out for everyone.

  12. What a great day Andrew! So many interesting things! Thanks for sharing.

  13. What an exciting event! Great photos documenting the day!

  14. Thanks for the giggle about the cars :D
    (Ours had been red too, but I don't know how the economic times have been when we bought it ;))

    That Birdfair must have been pretty impressive! Glad you got to go there!

  15. An enjoyable read! Nice images, especially the warbler and the osprey sculpture. I got a kick out of the car park image and the reference to colors and the economy.

  16. I looked at the previous posts. Wow....wish we had a Birdfair here in the states!

  17. sounds like a great day. As I don´t know about that guy I concentrated on that osprey sculpture. A rare piece I would say. :)

  18. Good your staying on the bright side- color is evident. Very tame friend..and looks like this was time well spent.

  19. Andrew that looks like a great day out!! I see what the ladies
    OH love the red car!!

  20. Looks like you had a great day Andrew. I really wanted to go this year but my plans just never came together. Next year!

  21. The Birdfair is a marvelous conservation event! I'm glad you had a good time Andrew. It looks like everyone did!

  22. Very interesting post thanks.
