Wednesday 13 July 2011

Troglodytes troglodytes.......... the beautiful Wren

I had a lovely walk around one of my local woods a couple of days ago.
As I strolled along amongst the trees and ferns I could heard a Wren and kept catching glimpses of it amongst the undergrowth.
For such a tiny little bird they are pretty vocal.
 I settled down with my little video camera on a tripod and waited to see if I could capture a quick clip of this wonderful little bird.

 I ended up with a front row seat as it perched on a branch right in front of me for a good couple of minutes but have trimmed the clip to just one.
 It is one of our smallest birds in the UK and a real favourite of mine.

To see more wonderful birds on World Bird Wednesday click on the image below.



  1. Now I am jealous.............the hours I've spent following these around. Now for the Firecrest and Goldcrest. Don't say you have video of these as well.

  2. such an adorable tiny beauty! i love these pert little birds!

  3. Great series, Andrew. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  4. Very cool! I need to start lugging around a tripod.

  5. Wonderful little video! I love wrens!

  6. Oh lucky you!! They are such wonderful, wee birds. Captivating!

  7. Sweet footage,Andrew! This Wren reminds me of our Carolina Wrens. They are quite the singers also.:)

  8. Well done Andrew! Wrens are just so cute, we have little blue ones here, the males are stunning but the females are such cute little balls of fluff.

  9. what a great video!! HE is so antimated!!! Well Done.

  10. HI Andrew...Lovely video of that cute little Wren....I love the way they do that little bop up and down !!
    Lucky for you he stayed still long enough to video him!!
    PS just noticed that you left a note on my comment from Sunday ...sorry I didn't see it until today!!
    Thanks for asking ..I am ok...I looked at that post and I remember it and thought I left a comment ,but I didn't see one..don't know what happened!!
    ♥ Grace

  11. Fabulous video of a great little bird!

  12. Great video. Your wren looks different from the ones we have our here in Australia but it bobs around and holds its tail in a very similar way.

  13. He performed just for you. How lucky, Andrew!

  14. Amazing! Lucky you to get such a little Poser :D!

  15. i love these guys, enjoyed the video. They're such feisty little birds! :)
