Tuesday 12 July 2011

Early Birds........................ images taken when I had a working camera!

 World Bird Wednesday XXXIV
Storm clouds reflect my moods
You may or not be aware of the demise of my camera and my frustrating failing efforts to find a cheap replacement while waiting to hear if my Nikon D5000 can be fixed for a reasonable price
It's all documented in my last few posts.
The images are all from a couple of years ago.

Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)

Black-tailed Godwits
It's not all bad news though because as I was deciding how to make the most of my time off work an old friend made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
Come and stay with us for a few days in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales.
So thats where I'm heading tomorrow.
To see more wonderful birds from around the world click on the image below to view.



  1. HI Andrew...My Mom always said plans chance and things happen for a good reason !!
    I have always tryed to live by that saying to...it is disappointing when things just don't seem to come together, but I know you can make the best of the situation and enjoy this visit...and be pleseantly surprised..just try to let it go and enjoy....!!
    Love the photos especially the Whooping Swans!!
    ♥ Grace

  2. The cloud is wonderful as are the Whoopers and Godwits. Good luck in Yorkshire........for beer try Tan Hill and The Old Hill at Ingleton. Both offer good views and good brown nectar.

  3. for god's sake, someone get the man a DSLR!!! :) just teasing you! i know you feel 'naked' without one - especially on vacation and planning a trip.

    i REALLY loved the swan shot. just beautiful. perfect clarity with softness and shadows. :)

  4. Where did you catch those clouds made of heaped up meringue?
    Lovely bird shots too, particularly the light on the wings of the swans and that little pom pom robin.

    I am sorry about your camera and wish you luck with finding one. If you were a little closer, I would gladly lend you one.

    Enjoy your holiday in the Dales in any case.

  5. They are marvelous, don't get upset, 'cause it will get to it.

  6. Great shots and hope you soon have your answer!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  7. Sorry about your camera troubles. I had similar a few weeks ago and also got out some old photos for posting. Good luck and hope the camera gets fixed soon. I especially like the photo of the Black-tailed Godwits.

  8. Great photos! The one with the flying swans is amazing! I hope you get your camera fixed very soon...Have a nice day!

  9. Nice shots. Sorry about your camera woes. Hope you're up and running again soon.

  10. Andrew - wonderful shots. It is clear for me, that a photographer like you cannot live for long time without equipment. Thank you for sharing of your great shots!

  11. to be without a camera is like being naked. :)
    I hope it turnes out well soon.

    The little Reed Warbler is a sweet one. We have it too.

  12. Andrew, you managed to get terrific shots with each of your cameras. Shows you can't keep a good photographer down! Hope you'll get your camera repaired soon and at a reasonable cost.

  13. Hi,
    Andrew, I am regreting why I didn't find your blog earlier, wonderful pics, so breathtaking. You take them by yourself? Greetings from China.

  14. As usually great shots! It's awful not to have a camera, isn't it? Can you believe that mine broke down when I was in Danube Delta - your stormy clouds reflect my mood as well!
    Have a nice stay in Yorkshire!

  15. Wonderful shots, especially those Swans! Hope you solve your camera problems soon!

  16. Super shots here in this post..I esp. enjoyed the swans in flight...very pretty! Have a great trip....

  17. Great photos but WOW at the cloud and swan shots.

  18. I love that collection, especially the swans and the Godwits!
    Hope the troubles with your camera DO get solved :(
    And also hoe, you have a good time at your friends!
