Thursday, 28 July 2011

There's a Moose Loose about garden?

OK the title should end..... "Aboot the Hoose"!.....

.....but this little Wood Mouse lives under my garden shed.

As I filled the bird feeders this evening I kept seeing this little fellow flitting about so I got my camera and was delighted to get within a few feet to grab a couple of images.

Wood Mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus Muridae)
I have had Wood Mice in my garden ever since I moved here in 2006 and they are wonderful to see and no  threat to my property  (unlike the House Mouse which fortunately I don't have)  and I see them often... even climbing up the Clematis to reach the bird feeders... a favourite little mammal.


TexWisGirl said...

oh, he's ADORABLE!!!

936000 said...

He is adorable and great shots!
I was going to say "How can they be so adorable outside, but not inside-LOL"
(other than the obvious, but you know what I mean).

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my gosh, what an adorable little mouse, such a pretty little thing. Great shots Andrew!!!

TexWisGirl said...

love the new header photo!

Anonymous said...

I like those big shiny beady eyes.

grammie g said...

HI Andrew...Cute as can be they are and when those little eyes look at you...awww!!
PS While I am right here I want to thank you for you very heart felt words about my Mona!!

Reena said...

He is so cute! Those big ears. We have house mice occasionally and they are certainly never welcome!

ADRIAN said...

It's a real gem........superb shots.

Gardener in the Distance said...

He's beautiful, Andrew...let's hope he finds a mate and together they make lots more little wood meeces REAL SOON.

erleichda said...

beautiful pictures! I `ll be visiting : )

Unknown said...

Isn't he the cutest little thing? Lovely visitor, Andrew.