Friday, 29 July 2011

Summer flowers in my garden.............. and bugs!

My little Garden is only the size of a postage stamp..... but it's all mine.....

 .....and I love it.


Anonymous said...

Well, it is an extremely colorful postage stamp! Very nice and easy to care for no doubt.

FAB said...

Very colourful Andrew and just the spot for some R n R.

TexWisGirl said...

oh my gosh! it's GORGEOUS! when you started out showing the individual blooms and arbor, i thought 'very pretty' - even the bloom as big as your head! but then the last photo is glorious! straight out of a magazine! love it. how wonderful to have that getaway.

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely seat, splendid bees and the whole garden is superb. You ought to look at my garden, no I don't mean it.

Tammy said...

That's some garden you've got there :)

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew..Mr. Green Thumb...fantastic very lovely. I love it!!
I hope you get to sit and enjoy..if you are like me I spend more time working at it then I do relaxing, but I do find working it enjoyable to!!
That is some big Dahlia it a dinner plate one!!
Looks like I see Nasturtium,Snapdragon,
Marigolds, and many other beauties!!
Good job ♥ Grace

Anonymous said...

Hola Andrew

bellas las flores , hermosas tomas, suerte que están en verano.bonito tu jardín, que lo disfrutes..abrazos.

ADRIAN said...

Andrew it is superb............Great bee shots.

Anonymous said...

lovely pictures...loving these colors.
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Malgorzata Ingstad said...

It is enough Andrew - you can breath freely in your little garden!

Arija said...

Your little garden is beautifully laid out and so full of flowers it must be a great joy to you. Just think of the Little Prince worrying about a grub on his single rosebush. So often, less is more.

Unknown said...

... And it's beautiful! Look at all those colours. I'm amazed at the size of the Dahlia.