Saturday 16 July 2011

I was only away for three days..................... but!

I left home on Wednesday lunchtime for my trip to Yorkshire and arrived home yesterday evening.I unpacked the car and as I was working this morning (Sat) had a fairly early night.
Image my surprise as I got into the car and looked up to see this.
The garage of the house behind mine had been gutted by fire.
As it was only 7am I continued my journey to work but on my return just half a hour ago I called round to see what had happened and make sure everybody was alright.
The fire had started on Thursday morning (the apparent cause was the fridge freezer) and luckily the damage was confined to the garage the car being kept on the drive.
The flames when the roof collapsed could apparently be seen from miles away. The wall is a problem still and they are waiting for a structional engineer to inspect it properly. They are a lovely retired couple with a beautifully maintained bungalow. Naturally were both still in a state of shock but at least pleased they have not lost anything that can't be replaced.
 They are fully insured.


  1. oh dear. that must have been very scary. thank goodness they are fine as is the rest of the house (hopefully). fire is definitely a fear of mine here - moreso grass fires that can ignite in our heat and drought conditions and spread like, well, wildfire...

  2. Hi Andrew...Oh my how awful..and so close to your home!
    So glad that no one was hurt and it didn't spread to any other places!!
    You sure have had a lot of things going on lately ...all the life of Andrew!!
    You need to write a
    Take care ♥ Grace

  3. It's great they weren't hurt or the fire didn't spread to other places!

  4. Glad everyone is safe at least :/
