Saturday 23 July 2011

Badger watching............ at Brock Wood Cheshire

I was contacted a few months ago by a wildlife watcher who lives nearby and wanted information about my local woodlands as he was going to make a visit.
 We have kept in touch and have finally met up.
Mike has a blog "Diary's of a Cheshire Wildlife Watcher" and has successfully watched Badgers near to his home.I have only seen one living Badger (unfortunately plenty of road kill) in my lifetime and that had been sprinting across a busy main road.
 I met up with Mike and his brother Ryan and after a short walk we arrived at the site.
Five minutes after setting up my camcorder I had my first close up views of Badgers in the wild.

I was alone as I filmed the first clip as Mike and Ryan were baiting the other Sett entrances with fruit and peanuts... the sudden disappearance of the Badger at the end of the clip was due to Ryan coming back to beckon me over to their view point where I saw two more feeding .

I could almost touch them we were so close.

 Two hours passed so quickly.
 As we made our way back to my car I was so aware of the smile on my face...
 My heartfelt thanks go out to Mike and Ryan for a wonderful afternoon.


  1. you must have been positively giddy! you got really up close and personal footage! they're really beautiful! i know they can be viscious if threatened and all, but how cool was that?! what great friends to have you over to view them!

  2. Hi Andrew

    lucky to capture this animal, if you come with joy to have achieved the mission, quite an achievement.
    Besides being able to see them so close. appreciate nature. luck next time.

  3. that was totally cool to be able to be that close and capture him. I have never seen one myself. Great job!

  4. Wow, cool videos of the Badger and an awesome find. They can be really mean critters. I wouldn't get too close.

  5. They are so beautiful! Thanks for this videos:)

  6. Great spotting! Lucky you.

  7. Glad you had a great experience Andrew lets hope I can get you close to Otters sometime in the future.

  8. Wow, that was nearly enough to make one's inside out. I love the Badgers.

  9. Excellent footage Andrew of a beautiful animal. I can imagine your excitement.

    Such a shame this bunch in power want to slaughter them.

  10. Sign petition below to stop the Badger cull.

  11. Fantastic! Love the video I don't get to see too many badgers.

  12. Very cool...I thoroughly enjoyed these clips, Andrew. I recall seeing a badger when I was a child, and thinking how immense he was at the time!

  13. Amazing video - up close and personal! What a handsome animal.

  14. Awesome Andrew! I have never seen a Badger in the wild.

  15. Very nice videos Andrew! I came to see your birds (from WBW) and got sidetracked by this post... am off to comment on the birds next but am so glad you shared the badger videos as I've never seen them!
