Monday 9 May 2011

House Sparrows............ not just a little brown job

The House Sparrow is a bird most people take for granted in the UK.
It is a bird on decline to those in the know...
... and just a little brown bird to the masses.
 For me at the moment they are my feeders busiest visitors and are a delight to watch.

House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)
Ooops!..... dropped it
Lovely plumage..........
..........and quite the acrobat.
The House Sparrow is a beautiful little bird to watch and it's plumage is so colourful for a little brown bird.
I am still getting daily visits from the Goldfinches which have been on my feeders all through this winter.

Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)

Okay ... so the House Sparrow isn't as colourful as the Goldfinch...
...but you have to admit it's more than just a little brown bird.

To see more birds from all over the world click on the image below to visit.
World Bird Wednesday XXV



  1. I know I asked before so forgive me for making you repeat yourself, but I am dying to know what kind of camera you use! I am sure if I searched through all of your posts I would be able to find the answer but it's been so long ago that I asked that I have no idea where to start!

    You truly have a gift. My children and I "Ooooo" and "Ahhh" every time I pull your site up!

  2. A nice piece of work on the feeders.

  3. Nice photos of both the sparrow and goldfinches. Why are the sparrow declining?

  4. Great sequence Andrew!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. Lovely photographs of our small garden birds. We also have a lot of Sparrows on the garden feeders probably slightly out numbered by the Starlings but into double figures most days.

  6. Great post! The sparrow is a very sweet bird! But the goldfinch is really beautiful! I have never seen one in real :) Thanks for your visit :)

  7. Just like you Andrew, life here would not be the same without the chattering Spadgers emptying the feeders every day BUT mine are not too keen on behing photographed from the front!

  8. Love the Goldfinch. Ours are mostly yellow, but gotta love that black and red face.

  9. Wonderful photos, I love the Goldfinches, they look so much different then the goldfinches here in the states. The house sparrow is a common bird and they are not in decline.

  10. It is well we pay homage to the LBJ's Andrew. Well done!

  11. Eileen has already expressed my thoughts. The goldfinch you have are so different than what I know. I love their coloring.
    I agree the little sparrows are lovely little brown birds. I love the sunlight on their feathers - a lovely hue.
    Nice series!
    Thanks for your visit!

  12. Beautiful captures! I have never saw a Goldfinch like this, stunning! The Sparrows are pretty little brown birds. I always enjoy seeing them.

  13. Hi there - nice set of shots of birds that are often overlooked. House and Tree Sparows have both been introduced to Australia - and although they may not be native, I dont mind seeing them.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  14. A very underrated little bird aren't they Andrew.
    Full of character, and the garden is never quiet when they turn up.
    I love that third shot :)

  15. I love the goldfinch. The House Sparrows are fun to watch and are a very mis-labeled.

  16. I'll be happy to have some House Sparrows at my place, but no such luck.:( There's a few at my workplace though. That Goldfinch is incredible!

  17. Everytime I see the Goldfinch from UK I am amazed at the tropical look he has!! We have an abundance of the E. House Sparrow here...I always watching them..and its good that they are not so bothered by people so they enjoy living among us.

  18. I love House Sparrows - there are plenty of them in my garden and it's always great fun to watch them! Superb post.

  19. I agree with you about the House Sparrow. They're fun to watch and very photogenic. Our American Goldfinch looks a bit different from yours, but are beautiful and love to congregate at the feeders. Great post!

  20. Wow, your goldfinch is quite a bit different than our american version. I like the colors and markings.

  21. Such cute little guys in beautiful colors!

  22. for many years the house sparrow was declining in Sweden also. But lately they have become more again. I think the female is the most handsome of the pair. :)

  23. Lovely birds! We have a flock of house sparrows that live near our driveway and make quite a racket every day!

  24. The goldfinches are different from the ones we had in Oregon and even more colorful. (I haven't seen a one or a sparrow either here in Florida). I used to love watching our sparrows too. We had white-crowned and yellow-crowned ones. Your feeders -- and feeder pictures -- are wonderful. Thank you. Also I'd forgotten that LBJ acronym -- kind of a shorthand for "i'm too lazy to find out what that bird is."

  25. I agree that sparros are lovely, indeed! Half a world away from you, these same fellows are feeding just outside my window as I type. As you say, they may not be as striking as the big Steller's Jays we get, or the tiny red-capped woodpeckers, but they do have a singular beauty of their own...:)

    Imagination Lane

  26. Love the photos of the House Sparrow--You're right, much more than just a little brown bird! I can't believe how different your Goldfinch is compared to the American Goldfinch.-Beautiful bird :)

  27. lovely photos, the sparrows have such personality!
