Friday 25 March 2011

More.......................about Moore

Where are we?
Moore Nature Reserve is a lovely place to visit. Encompassed by the Manchester Ship Canal a Railway Line and the River Mersey it also has a disused canal bed running through it (a section of which still holds water).

The Pochard is one of the many waterfowl seen at Moore N.R.
The reserve is alongside a Landfill Site which is a great attraction for gulls (rarer gulls are often recorded at Moore). Scarce birds seen here include the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Bitterns and Kingfisher. I also got to see my first Little Egrets last year. 

Reed Buntings on one of the feeders
Nest boxes are placed around the reserve
Treecreeper...can you spot it?
Gulls a plenty on the adjacent Landfill Site

A clip of the Little Egrets taken last August

The last two images are of an unknown species spotted stuck up a tree


  1. HI Andrew..I glad you said there was a Creeper there because I wouldn't have seen it!!
    Lovely picture of the Pochard, with the beads of water on it!
    I wish I could help you out with a ID on the unknown spices, but you got a good picture of it!! hahaha!!
    Have a enjoyable weekend!!

  2. Another good tour, and the unknown is interesting!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. Andrew, Guess you would have to have a boat to fill the feeder on the stump in the

    I really had to look but found the Creeper. As for the unknown critter in the least it looks happy to be there. Hehehe

    Seriously, Loved the birds and sights!

  4. Hi Andrew,
    I think it is a ballfinch!

  5. A nice post, and, you have an eye for it, the last one.

  6. James I think you have got it spot on....

  7. Back to browse a bit after visiting the above post yesterday from WBW.... well, actually I just wanted to look at your daffodills again ;>)...

    Seriously, you have a lovely lovely blog. Thanks for sharing these beautiful birds (and funny ones too.)

  8. Love the images and the nature around there.
    Hehe, the last two remind me of a doll I once found sitting in a tree in the middle of nowhere :D
