Thursday 9 December 2010

Northwich's Black Swans.....................................

Black Swan
Mute Swan and Black Swan
Black Swan...........white wings
I have been watching the Black Swans (Cygnus atratus) on my local patch ever since I first saw them on the fishing pools next to the Lion Salt Works at Marston in 2008. Black Swans are a species introduced to the UK from Australia. Since that first sighting I have been watching the birds breed up to six youngsters a year on the island at Haydn's Pool  Anderton NR only to sadly see the cygnets be predated one by one. In 2008 the birds (and cygnets) suddenly appeared on Neumanns Flash overnight while the juveniles were still quite young and to this day I still wonder how they moved from the pool to the flash overnight (was man interfering).Within a couple of days of the move to the flash all the young had sadly been predated and a few people I met at the time suggested that the Mute Swans were responsible for their demise but the area has all kinds of predators capable of taking young birds. I will try to find out some more information about the origin of my local Black Swans but I hope they will stay around for a few more years.......................more to come


  1. Hello! I'm a new follower. I found you from Jean's birding site. I've really enjoyed your photos, you certainly have an eye!

  2. Interesting story and good photos. Boom & Gary Of the Vermilon River.

  3. Black swans are my favourites. Great shots!
