Monday 10 October 2016

The Boss....................................................................................................................

Tatton Park Cheshire
Linking to Saturday's Critters


  1. What a fantastic creature! Beautiful!

  2. He looks like he's ready for the busy times ahead?
    Great shot...[;o)

  3. the most handsome boss I have ever seen. he is just gorgeous

  4. What a great picture. I need to get to Tatton soon, just too many places to go!

  5. Great picture - there are lots of deer images showing up on FB and such like - seems that the well know locations are getting a bit of a work out.

    Its funny that deer are a pest here!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  6. Beautiful animal. Last summer we saw a herd of 28 elk led by a male with huge antlers. Elks were hunted to extinction in our area so new animals were introduced about twelve years ago. The herds have grown so large that controlled hunting is once again allowed. - Margy

  7. Hello, he looks like a boss. Great photo! Thank you for linking up and sharing you post! Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

  8. Such majestic beauty. I am hoping to capture some elks in rut next week. Would be thrilled to see something this beautiful!

  9. hi andrew. he's beautiful.

    just wanted to let you know, i have a lot of trouble loading your blog. just to load your page, this one photo/post took about 3+ minutes and several time-out failures. i know my connection stinks sometimes, but it just doesn't play well with your site for some reason. *sigh* i've tried in the past to visit one post, then move to another and it shuts down my google chrome completely. modern technology sometimes does not play nice. :) hope you are well, though!

  10. Are You Kidding Me??? You Captured A Thought Process, Well Done!


  11. I simply had to stop by and say - what a great photo.

    All the best Jan
