Monday 12 October 2015

Red Deer Stags.................................................................... Tatton Park Cheshire

I am just back from Tatton Park... watching the deer in the park.

Eyes bulging
This big stag had a large harem... and was seeing off any interlopers.

 I really thought it was going to kick off when these two squared up...

...but the stag on the left bottled it and made a hasty retreat.

This one was resting up on the hillside alone...

 ...roaring occasionally to let everyone know he was still around.

Further up the hill were younger stags...
...not quite big enough to take on the big fellers but still in hope of a female or two.

Our World Tuesday


  1. i know i have used the word awesome before but these guys just rate AWESOME! the tips of those antlers look really sharp

  2. Remarkable! That one who backed down had good sense I think.

  3. I wouldn't want to get too close to those magnificent creatures.

  4. I'd love to see something so majestic on my hikes. Thanks for your help Andrew. I was able to do it as you suggested. Just a few more steps for the same end result. It just bugs me that something is not working the way it should though.

  5. Wow! Very impressive stags (or bulls as we call them)! Beautiful shots!

  6. Must be wonderful to see these wonderful animals so close. Andrew.

  7. impressive animals and impressive shots.

  8. These guys are amazing, those antlers are huge, wow, what a spectacular creature they are, Thanks for the share~

  9. The big looks pretty scary. Best not to pick a fight with him.

  10. Excellent captures Andrew, the antlers on these males are magnificent, all the better to spar with :)

  11. Gorgeous stags! Such wonderful photos!

  12. Magnificent creatures. Definitely "Monarchs of the Glen".
