Thursday 18 June 2015

My grandson Arthur....................................................................... visiting Venice

Arthur is just two and a half years old but is already doing the Grand Tour.
A few pics of his recent trip to Venice. 

 Italian ice cream is fantastic!


Wandering around the streets of Venice... not a bad start to life.

with Dad... what a wonderful place to visit.


  1. what a cutie pie and great shots!

  2. Oh Andrew how he grwoing up so fast. He is a lovely child and I love the B & w shots best. You son is so like you in appearance. Have a lovely weekend.

  3. Hi andrew I have just commented onFinlay's post about your early begining. A well written account of your early life adn as you did for Finlay I hope your greandson will also be influenced by your love of nature and learn to love birds adn photography.

  4. Aww- he's adorable and obviously having a grand tour!
