Thursday 28 May 2015

Hedgehog........................................................................... a lovely garden visitor

Hedgehogs are in decline in the UK... figures suggest we have lost over a third in the last 12 years.

Wonderful little creatures that are more often seen as road kill.
A lovely garden visitor... but I've only seen two in my garden in the last ten years.
So pleased to see this little fella.

Saturday's Critters


  1. Any particular reason for their decline? Loss of habitat? Or just too many cars? Cute little guy. I guess he does no harm to the garden since you are happy to have him there.

  2. Cute little one! Glad you've seen another!

  3. Perfect garden visitor Andrew.
    I'm lucky enough to have 2 visit my little patch.

    To answer Johns question, some of the biggest reasons for decline is habitat loss, too tidy gardens that are fenced in like a fortress that restrict their evening movements looking for food etc., and road kill while they are.
    At current rates of decline they could be extinct here in 10 years.

  4. I might just die of joy if i saw one of these guys in our yard... i have only seen one in my life and he was in a petting zoo

  5. not seen any out pootling at night this year, only heard the odd one snuffling

  6. It is very beautiful.
    I wish you a nice weekend.

  7. How cute. It's been a long time since I saw one.

  8. It is sad to hear they are on the decline. They are cute critters. Great shot, so glad he came to visit your yard. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  9. Interesting little fellow... or miss, as the case may be. Sorry to hear that they are in decline.

  10. They are so adorable and I hate that they are declining! This little fellow is cute.

  11. So cute! I don't often see them anymore. Too bad.


  12. ✿ه° ·. Lindo demais!!! Pena que estejam ameaçados!...

    Tenha um maravilhoso fim de semana!
    ✿ه° ·.

  13. What a sweet little neighbor! I hope he stays in your garden where he's welcome.

  14. Adorable little critter. So sad to hear they're declining in number.

  15. So sad to hear they are on the decline! Such cute little critters!
