Friday 13 March 2015

A garden visitor .................................................................... without an invitation

Sparrowhawk checking out my garden feeders... looking for lunch.

A wonderful bird to see in the garden... nature is nature after all.


  1. Super visitor. One appears here occasionally but never stops long enough for a photo-call.

  2. Wow. If it wasnt for the fact it would kill other garden birds etc, I would be chuffed to have one of those in my garden. My cats would think it was christmas as well lol

  3. Love this photo! Magnificent bird
    Have a great weekend

  4. Great shot. Such a beautiful bird!

  5. Only ever seen one sparrowhawk in my garden area, sat in a plane tree overlooking my neighbour's feeders for some reason...

  6. Wonderful photo of the hawk! Very sharp and detailed.

  7. Gorgeous raptor~ and yes, part of nature's cycle (when it is a bird looking for lunch). I used to draw the line when neighborhood cats visited our feeders; they (IMHO) upset the balance.

  8. Handsome and stately. I'll bet all the small birds ducked for cover.

  9. Cracking shot Andrew.
    Top predator.

  10. That's a stunning looking Sparrowhawk Andrew. Very jealous of that one.

  11. Oh dear! It's never good news for smaller birds when a sparrow hawk turns up!

  12. It's a great portrait Andrew. They are never in my garden long enough to take a picture like that. Often it's just a fly through.

  13. I saw one of these in the garden, only once many years ago. Great photo.

  14. Fabulous capture of the Sparrowhalk.

  15. Wow...such an impressive pose! It's beautiful, isn't it?

    Thanks for sharing your link this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'. I know it's gonna say "Hootin' Anni"...I'm just in my personal blog admin right now instead of my birding blog.

    Have a great day.

  16. Well, by the time he decides to stop and sit for a minute the hunt is over ... the birds are gone and he is thinking about his next move ... what a beauty. I love all of natures birds and I respect the roll that the hauks and owls play in keeping the balance and maintaining the integrity of the strains of pray birds. This is an amazing shot, Andrew ...

    Andrea @ Fromn The Sol

  17. Nice shot! Hopefully it won't get too many of your sparrows.

  18. Wow, I've never seen one of those! Thanks for giving me (and others) a peek.

  19. a beautiful bird and image. And, they need food too. :)

  20. Oh it is lovely, looks a lot like our Coopers and Sharp-shinned Hawks. They do like to pop in those bird feeding stations though~

  21. Awesome close up, it is a beautiful bird! Thank you for linking up, sorry I am late commenting!

  22. My friend was talking to me on phone. She said your never going to believe what is on my bird feeder.

    Same as you this magnificent bird .

    She lives in the city
    but she has a bush close by.
