Sunday, 22 February 2015

Taking a train ride............................................................................... over the sea

I have been meaning to share these images for a few months.
They are from our trip to Grange over Sands in October.

We took the train to visit Ulvertson from Grange over Sands.
 Grange railway station was built in 1872.

On our return journey we purchased tickets to travel on to the village of Arnside.

Crossing the estuary over this ancient bridge was an an amazing experience. 

We had a lovely meal outside at a pub overlooking the small pier, estuary and railway bridge.

It's a long crossing by rail over the water...

...but well worth it.
Arnside was such a lovely place to visit.

Our World Tuesday


Spare Parts and Pics said...

The train over water looks like great fun!

Susan said...

Looks like a wonderful ride with great sights. Happy Belated Birthday!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

The station buildings are fantastic and traveling over that very long bridge must have been exciting. It looks a lovely spot.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That station is beautiful, perfect ... And then it got even better. Wonderful trip! The trains in your country are incredible!

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

I hope those chaps caught something tasty...remember walking along the reserve near Mablethorpe, the only fisherman to catch something was me, and I didn't even have a rod.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great way to spend the day.

EG CameraGirl said...

The weather looks delightful! The view must have been wonderful as you crossed over the water!

eileeninmd said...

Lovely series of photos, I love the train station, the train and the last scenic shot. Looks like it was a great trip!

Adam Jones said...

That is an impressive bridge Andrew. You even got the weather for it.

Bob Bushell said...

Where is a train, there will be a bridge. Oh, I love them.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Beautiful station and train and wonderful photography!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

First of all, Happy Birthday, Andrew ... you are finally reaching the best days of your life. Not that the rest of your life hasn't been wonderful, but I found that it took me some to truly appreciate life the way I do now. As for your train trip ... what is it about trains that is so much fun ... we rode in trains in Switzerland this summer and loved it ... loved the views and maybe loved the fact that we didn't have to look at traffic, we could see the real countryside. Lovely post, Andrew ...

Andrea @ From The Sol

Anonymous said...

Wow - great shots!

Dave said...

a tin Pelagic trip.... I like the concept

Phil Slade said...

The Arnside and Silverdale area is very lovely Andrew. Enough off the beaten track so as to not get spoilt.

Amazing wonders in my life said...

Oh lovely place.... Nice clicks too

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Hello .. Very nice trip.. Regards

alicesg said...

The train station looked so beautiful and love the photo of the train over water.

molly said...

That train station is so pretty
