Thursday, 29 January 2015

Llandudno Ravens............................................................ a wonderful encounter

I have shared these images before... it was the day a little boy threw sand all over my camera while we were visiting Llandudno in North Wales.
At the time it was a disastrous moment... but without it I wouldn't have captured these images.

While we sat in the car cleaning my lens we put biscuits on the wall next to where we where parked.
The juvenile Herring Gulls were so bold... even feeding from Mandy's hand.

When the Ravens arrived to share the hobnobs they just took over...
...we used the car as a hide and I just kept snapping away.

It was our first ever encounter with wild Ravens and a moment I will never forget.
With over twenty minutes in their company... I just carried on clicking away.

Linking to Saturday's CrittersCamera CrittersThe Bird D'pot,
and Our World Tuesday


Barb said...

That photo showing the ravens eye reflecting another flying bird is just awesome!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful birds. I enjoy hearing them in the forest during my hikes. Great close-ups.

Michelle said...

I do love the look of Ravens.

Anonymous said...

Wow - amazing shots.

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

Magnficent birds, magnificent shots. I've never seen a raven, sadly.

TexWisGirl said...

spectacular raven images. :)

Bob Bushell said...

I love your Raven, number 1 of specially.

Liz said...

The juvenile gull is gorgeous!
That Raven beak is huge!!

Brian King said...

Gorgeous shots! I love ravens, but we don't see them in my area.

eileeninmd said...

Wow, awesome closeups of the Ravens! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy weekend!

Larry Ostby said...

The ravens are beautiful, smart and wonderful birds. Your photos are quite awesome, detail and color in the feathers are superb.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Magnificent shots. Such a privilege to have been in their company for so long.Yes a time you will remember forever. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Fabulous portraits of the ravens.

Anni said...

Oh my goodness...OH MY GOODNESS. I'm nearly speechless. For the fact that some boy threw sand on your camera, yes...but these birds are stupendous!! Wow.

Thank you for sharing this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'. You may have posted them before but it's a first sight for me.

Sylvia K said...

These are indeed awesome captures! It's the first time I've seen them and, OH, how disappointed I would have been if I'd missed them!! Thank you so much for sharing, Andrew!! Have a great new week!!

Fun60 said...

Wow they are terrific photos.

carol l mckenna said...

Absolutely fantastic nature photography! Beauteous!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Ela said...

Wow ! Just gorgeous shots !

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I saw another bird reflected in the raven' eye! What a great bird this is.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

How awesome that must have been! I get carried away through the kitchen window watching the goings-on at the feeders!!!...:)JP

Pat said...

Wow! Such awesome captures!

Mary Howell Cromer said...


Sharon Whitley said...

I love ravens and we often see them when we're on our mountain walks - we will share our lunch with them if we see them around. I love the noise they make and the little acrobatics they do above us - these photos are all wonderful!