Monday, 12 January 2015

Fame at last......................................................................................... the outcome

A few weeks ago I received an e-mail from a local magazine asking to do a feature about my blog.
My original post is here; "ourtown"

The article has now been published.

  "ourtown the northwich magazine" is an advertisement led magazine.distributed free.

 The bird watcher on the front cover refers to me.

A few of my photos featured in the article but Mandy was delighted to inform me the biggest picture was taken by her... that brought me back down to earth.

Here I am... camera in hand (photo courtesy of Mandy).
The rambles worldwide refers to all of you... my blogging friends from all over the world.
Many thanks for being my friends.

Linking to Our World Tuesday and Wild Bird Wednesday


TexWisGirl said...

congrats, andrew! and congrats, of course, to mandy. ;)

Amy Burzese said...

Awesome, Andrew! Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Autographed copies are available. Supply limited. Order yours now.

Brian King said...

Congratulations to you both! That's awesome!

Arija said...

Good for you! Nice to have a local accolade. You are becoming quite the personality in your town, congratulations!

The Furry Gnome said...

Quite the camera! And you're famous!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Very, very cool, and a big congratulations!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

hurray! We are all famous at last! Well done and it looks great.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Nice feeling. I had some photos and blog featured in Britain at War and many years ago the Mini I had was featured in Miniworld. Congratulations

Bob Bushell said...

Congrats to you Andrew. And to everyone who writes to you.

Sondra said...

Congrats a very good write up!! And a great photo of you too.

Anonymous said...

Very cool! Nice shot of you. It's always fun to see what the bloggers look like.

Pantherka said...

It's amazing Andrew, congratulations.

Gary Jones said...

Very well done Andrew, deserved recognition

Bethany Carson said...

Congratulations! Awesome that your blog was featured in the magazine!

eileeninmd said...

Wow, very cool! Congrats, Andrew!

Janet Shaw said...

Congrats! To be in a magazine is a great achievement. You did good!

Carletta said...

Congrats Andrew! A nice achievement. Congrats to Mandy as well. :)

A Colorful World said...

Congratulations, Andrew! How exciting! You can certainly be proud, and Mandy too.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

What a well deserved honor. I love this and all of the pictures you chose for the publications. Nice job Andrew ... it couldn't happen to a nicer Birder/Blogger:)

Andrea @ From The Sol

Neil said...

Congratulations Andrew.

Fun60 said...

How exciting. Are you being pestered for your autograph now?

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It is an honor to be your blogging friend! Congratulations. Love Mandy's pic of you -- it is perfect. And I'm glad at least one of your wonderful hole in the fence picture was featured.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Congratulations Andrew and how fun for you and for all of us that keep up with you.

Rose said...

Wow, congratulations!

Valerie said...

Well done Andrew - well-deserved acknowledgement of your wonderful photography. The robin in the fence hole is a cracker!

Dave said...

Brilliant Andrew.... congratulations. I have only ever had one image published which I still treasure that magazine, so you must be buzzing to have a full spread.

Anonymous said...

Well done! That's great.

carol l mckenna said...

Bravo to you! So happy for you as you are a fantastic nature photographer! ^_^

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Powell River Books said...

This is so great. It's so much fun to share our interests with others. - Margy

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Awesome- and very well deserved publicity. Congrats!!!

Pat said...

Congratulations. What an honor!