Thursday, 24 July 2014

The gardens looking good................................................... it's quite colourful

The gardens looking quite colourful at the moment... and the weathers been hot and sunny this week.

I was a bit late with some of the bedding plants this year... they will fill out soon.
Plenty of bees buzzing around but I've not seen many butterflies... hopefully that will change soon.

My secret seat for watching the birds... tucked away near the shed.
It's not really tucked away as my garden is tiny... but I like this shot.

Floral Friday Fotos


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew Looks very beautiful and you have a lot of the same flowers as myself in your garden.

Bob Bushell said...

That is a fantastic garden, beautiful.

The Herald said...

Looking very colourful Andrew...I'm sure the butterflies will find it soon...[;o)

DeniseinVA said...

Gorgeous photos Andrew, your garden shows a lot of hard work but also a labor of love in every pretty flower, and I do love that shot of your secret bench in the back.

Brian King said...

It's gorgeous! Nice work!

Douglas Mcfarlane said...

What a really nice looking garden Andrew sadly mine isn't quite as nice, the downside of owning a couple of greyhounds lol.

Anonymous said...

You have a wonderful garden. You almost have a completely natural bird blind too. Very nice.

Stephanie said...

Nice colorful garden!

Unknown said...

Your garden is beautiful. I love all the colours.

Susan said...

Lovely place to sit and enjoy the serenity. Have a nice weekend!