Wednesday, 12 March 2014

If you can't beat them.................................................... make them look funny

A work colleague shared these images today... it's a squirrel feeder.

 The squirrels look for the food placed inside the horses head...

 ...and look ridiculously funny while feeding.

There is also a big head squirrel version.
I want one!


ADRIAN said...

Just brilliant.

Stephanie said...

Cute idea.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Now people know what to give you for Christmas >)))

Bob Bushell said...

Ha ha that is beautiful, the squirrel, I can't stop laughing.........

Brian King said...

LMAO! These are hilarious!

Peter said...

Superb - genius and twisted!

Arija said...

What a pity there is no asses head. Perhaps the firm could make one for mid-summer? You could have a squirrel production of Shakespeare.

Anonymous said...

Someone will make a lot of money from this idea.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

This is too funny! Thanks for the giggle! xo Karen

Kay said...

How cute these are!

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew... What a great laugh to have just before going of to bed!!
I probably will giggle myself to sleep! : )
Yes you have to have one!!


Amazing wonders in my life said...

Looks funny yet very cute...:)

Sharon Whitley said...

haha great idea!

Pantherka said...

Wow, that's great!
Have a nice weekend. said...

I want one too.Made me funny!

Anonymous said...

These are hilarious!