Thursday, 13 February 2014

The hole in my fence has gone................. last weeks storm destroyed the lot!

I know! I know! I have been putting off repairing the fence around my little garden for ages.
My excuse?... because of a small hole that appeared in 2012.

The birds use the hole to come and go from my garden... giving  me some lovely photo opportunities.

We had very stormy weather last Wednesday 12th and my part of the country was hit pretty hard.
My journey home from work took over an hour longer than usual because of road closures... fallen trees and trucks blown over closing the motorways.
It was dark when I returned home and everything seemed OK...

This was the scene when I opened the curtains this morning... the hole was in the fence panel at the end of the clip.
The two plastic Herons in my neighbours garden made me smile when I saw them... another garden tick.

Update on the Parents.
Mum is doing fine after her fall... back home and managing on her own.
Mandy's Dad had a quintuple heart bypass on Monday... he is still sedated but we are told he is doing well.

Linking to The Bird D'potOur World Tuesday and Wild Bird Wednesday


Kay L. Davies said...

That terrible wind!
I am glad you and Mandy are well, and that both ancestors are doing as well as can be expected, but your whole country must be reeling under the after-effects of that storm.

Anonymous said...

I just saw last night a satellite photo of the huge storm system over the UK and thought of you and other bloggers I follow in the UK. I hope things will have settled down for you by now. Good news on the oldsters.

TexWisGirl said...

sorry about the damage! but good news on your mom and mandy's dad!

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew... Never put of until tomorrow what you can do today comes to mind with the fence repair!! Looks like that was some storm!!

On the other hand it has been a great source of entertainment for you and a perk for the birds!! : )

Happy that the health issues are getting better for all!!


Bob Bushell said...

That is awful, another that we can't do with out, the hole in your fence. I hope that when you buy one, that it will have hole already build in.
Good news for the oldest.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That was creative didn't fix it, we got all those wonderful pictures of the birds enjoying the hole, and you didn't even have to fix it after all. Win-win!

Glad for good news about the 'rents!

Stephanie said...

Terrible damage to your fence wall. Great news on family's health.

Gillian Olson said...

Too bad about the fence, if you rebuild you'll have to leave a hole because it makes for great photo ops.
Good news on the health front,

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew Great news on the health front. Boy, the storm certainly hit your garden. Oh dear, the hole has gone, left a bigger hole though!! well now that you know the importance of having the hole as a photographic prop, you will have to have one in the new fence. I will be emailing you with the ringing information (soon!)

Amazing wonders in my life said...

Sorry for the Damage... and good wishes for health but when I looked at the pic.. the bird in the 1st pic is really cute..

The Herald said...

It's too late to repair that hole now Andrew, it just got bigger!
Sorry to see that you've now got another worry to contend with after all your recent setbacks but the goods news is that your mum and Mandy's dad are both doing well and making good recoveries...[;o)

Brian King said...

Sorry to see the damage! I'm glad your home is okay. I guess the birds won't have their little entrance any longer.

Good news about your mother and Mandy's dad!

Gordon said...

Sorry to hear about the fence Andrew, the hole in it looked like quite a highway, great shots.
All the best Gordon.

Findlay Wilde said...

It was a really bad storm. My bird hide shed blew over and is still lying in the middle of the garden. I hope you r fence gets fixed soon and that you keep a little hole in it. From Findlay

Gail Dixon said...

Your photo opps through the hole are awesome. So sorry for the damage and hope it's repaired soon. Great to hear good news on the health front!

Anni said...

Oh my gosh...that video shows quite a bit of damage done!! Hope there wasn't anyone in your area hurt and yard damage can be re-done. Injuries on the other hand take a serious side effect on the whole scene.

I for one will miss the little robin/bird 'gate' in your fence. Maybe when you repair it, you can deliberately make a new entryway?

Unknown said...

Sorry about the fence. It's good to hear that the parents are doing better.

Karen said...

Oh gosh, that's quits a lot of damage. I am glad no one was hurt. Best regards to you mom and father-in-law. When you rebuild the fence, cut a little hole in it ;)

Carver said...

Wonderful shots of the birds and they look great through the hole. My deck wall has major damage and I almost wish it would fall down to make me finally deal with it.

eileeninmd said...

Wow, sorry about all the damage and fence. But, it good that no one was hurt. Love the cute Robin shot! Have a happy week!

carol l mckenna said...

Mother Nature has her moments ~ sorry the hole is got but great photos for OWT ~

carol and artmusedog

Snap said...

You've had a lot going on with parents, besides the storm at home. Sorry the birds lost the hole in the fence. Such fun shots when they peak through.

mick said...

Beautiful little bird looking through the hole in the fence and the weather must have been really wild to blow the fence right down! I'm glad your trip home was safe in spite of the problems created by the weather.

sunshine said...

Phantastic photos and a hole in the fence is just a hole if birds use it, it has a sense. We heard about the storm in the news, sounds very hard.

Photo Cache said...

fantastic photos.

Adam Jones said...

Such a shame about the fence. We all got it quite bad up here.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

When you repair/replace the fence I have a sneaking suspicion that there will be a new hole in it. Good to hear the encouraging health reports.

alarms said...

very beautiful the photos are a masterpiece

alarms said...

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