Thursday, 6 February 2014

Some of the Homing Pigeons I have come across on my travels.......................

My encounters with Racing / Homing Pigeons

This little fella was the first...

...he stayed in my garden for three days during 2011 and made the most of my hospitality.

I spotted this one resting on the highest point of the Sandstone Trail... Raw Head.

We saw this one at South Stack on Anglesey... above the seabird colony on the cliffs.

This handsome chap stayed in Mandy's Dads garden for a few weeks last year...

...he made himself quite at home...

...the coal shed became his bedroom...

The the one from my last post... wading on the edge of Derwentwater in the Lake District.

 Linking to Camera CrittersThe Bird D'pot and Wild Bird Wednesday


TexWisGirl said...

wonder if they ever get docked in pay for staying away too long. ;)

José Ramón said...

Congratulations on these catches. regards

Bob Bushell said...

They seemed to get anywhere, they're beautiful all the same, lol.

Brian King said...

Very nice! I love the fifth photo! Great portrait!

Christian Perrin said...

How easy it is to overlook what is actually a beautiful species of bird. Thanks for reminding me just how pretty these birds are!

Stephanie said...

Splendid shots!

Anonymous said...

I like pigeons. Some people do not but I do.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrew Loved the Pigeon shots. I have decided to do an article (over time) on racing pigeons as the farmer where I have my 'old caravan' has them and I said last year I would like to do this so today I go down and start it. I really do not know much about this sport but am about to learn about it over the months. Eventually I will be posting about it. You might be interested in it also as you seem to be attracting them

holdingmoments said...

Sad to think that if they ever returned 'home', eventually, they probably had their necks wrung 'for stopping out late.'
Lovely birds.

Carole M. said...

a really lovely series; they've got great irridescence haven't they

Rose said...

These are some very nice pics of the pigeons...they are so pretty when you take the time to look at them.

Dave said...

I had a spate of them in the garden Andrew, a few years ago now, one guy drove from north Yorkshire to pick his up.... I believe it was his wifes bird and if he didn't deliver it back his own pigeon was destined for a

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Great pictures of pigeon.. Congrats.. Nice weekend..

Magia da Inês said...

°º♫♬° ·.
Bela série, destaque para a iridescência das penas.

░B░O░M░ ░F░I░M░ ░D░E░


°º♫♬° ·.
°º♫♬° ·.

Anonymous said...

How can you tell they are homing pigeons (as opposed to just-any-old-pigeon say, like the ones in Trafalgar Square)?

Unknown said...

They're beautiful birds.

Pia said...

Nice photos from the Pigeons! Did they bring you some letters Andrew?

Anni said...

Amazing pigeons. The iridescent colors and the piercing eyes...what great images!!

HansHB said...

A beautiful serie!

Karen said...

They sure are beautifully coloured!

Adam Jones said...

Handsome birds Andrew.