Sunday, 2 February 2014

It never rains but it pours..................................................................................

Just as my Mum has started to get mobile again after her fall with hopefully a chance of returning home in the next few days Mandy's Dad has had a heart attack. 
He is 72 and has never been in hospital in his life... a fit man who still climbs trees with his grand children.
 This has come as a real shock to everyone who knows him.
He will be having a triple bypass operation in the next few days... scary but he is in good spirits.


TexWisGirl said...

i am sorry, andrew. bless mandy and her dad and her family.

Brian King said...

Sorry to hear that! I hope the operation goes smoothly and he makes a full recovery.

S. Etole said...

Trusting all will go well.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my prayers are with you husband had the same surgery at age 72 he is now fast approaching 78 and has been his same healthy climbng on roof self since the surgery. Mandy's dad sounds like my bob. healthy to start with.

Michelle said...

Prayers being sent your way for Mandy, her dad, and family.

Stephanie said...

Hope it all goes well.

Kay L. Davies said...

Having been so fit all his life, he should come out of the surgery with flying colours, but it is certainly stressful for the family.

Arija said...

Drew, triple bypasses are safer than appendosectomies. The doctors take more care since they are more complex. He'll be up and walking the following day. Just keep him cheerful before the op. and remind him that the op. is in the hands of God and the doctors but as soon as they start closing, it is your responsibility to heal and get well. No-one else can do that for you.
I'll keep him in my healing thoughts.

holdingmoments said...

Wish him all the best from me Andrew.
Heart attacks are a scary moment when they happen. I'm sure he'll be OK.

Stewart M said...

Hope all works out OK - the title also seems relevant to much of the SW of England as well! Half of my old county seems to be under water!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope the operation goes well.

Amy Burzese said...

So sorry to hear this. Best of wishes for your family.

Gail Dixon said...

So sorry to hear of more bad news. Hopefully they can fix him up right away.

Anonymous said...

You two are getting a huge dose all at once of being the generation that takes care of your parents. We are praying not to get to that stage for a few more years (and I'm sure our kids are praying even harder).

Best of wishes to Mandy's dad and to both of you. And I'm glad t hear that your mother is recovering well.