Thursday, 21 November 2013

The tree on my commute........................ it's been a while since I last shared it

Taken last Saturday morning this is the first image I have shared of the lone tree on my commute for months.

I take the shots from the side of the road and usually crouch down low to hide the trees on the horizon.
Well this is as low as I could get with my knees as they are at the moment... I will rethink my problem.

Same tree 27th November 2011... less leaves on the branches and a more Autumnal scene.
There's still a lot of green leaves on the oaks locally... will be interesting to see what the next weeks forecast cold spell does to them.

Skywatch Friday


Bob Bushell said...

Your famous tree, ace photos Andrew.

Steffi said...

Very beautiful photos of trees,Andrew!I like it.Have a nice weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am always happy to see another view and time for this wonderful tree. hope some day soon you will be able to knee and crouch like you used to.

Sylvia K said...

What lovely trees against the cloudy skies! Wonderful captures for the day, Andres!! Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!!

Magia da Inês said...


As fotos são encantadoras!!!!

Bom fim de semana!

Our photos said...

Very beautiful photos of trees,Andrew!

Photo Cache said...

i am a sucker for those solitary tree shots. i love these two.

HansHB said...

Great post for SWF!
Well done!

TexWisGirl said...

i LOVE that 2nd scene! love that tree! long may it last!

like the sparrowhawk(?) in your header, too.

eileeninmd said...

A very pretty scene and tree. Great shots. Have a happy weekend!

Stephanie said...

Absolutely adore the second shot with the shimmering light.

Anonymous said...

Andrew's tree is looking good. Did not know you were laying low cropping out other trees and brush in the background before. Sneaky.

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous shots of the tree - or should I say, tree-mendous!?

Karen said...

That second photo looks like a painting!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew Yje lone tree! Good to see the difference between the 2 years. Last shots is great.

Anuradha Shankar said...

beautiful clicks. i love the second one... and ur header pic is absolutely stunning!

Laura said...

Ahh, such beauty!

Pantherka said...

Andrew is an amazing tree.
Have a great weekend.

Brian King said...

I love this tree! I'd probably take too many photos of it. LOL! Great header photo!

Liz said...

It's a lovely tree!! I've been on the search for a lone tree like that.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

always like seeing the progress of this beauty. That's one nice thing about having 4 seasons.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful set of shots!