Monday, 25 November 2013

My view from the office.................................................... it's quite depressing

 This is the view from my desk at work... the window is the only one in the office.

If the sun shines it usually dazzles someone's work station so the blinds get drawn... it goes dark well before we leave for home in the evening. I spend my days wishing my life away looking forward to the weekend.
Enjoy the rest of your week... it's going to be a long one for me.

Linking to Our World Tuesday and Skywatch Friday


TexWisGirl said...

kind of stark, but at least you get a little natural light. :)

Sylvia K said...

I'm suddenly enjoying my retirement even more than usual, Andrew!! It's still a beautiful world -- sometimes we just have to look harder to see the beauty!! Have a good week!

Anonymous said...

Ah, no way to spend your day ~ sending creative healing energy for you to find creative time in your day ~ great shot for OWT ~ carol, xxx

Cynthia said...

Not a very inspiring view! I used to look out my windows at work at beautiful weather and wish so much I could be out there. This is my first year of retirement, and it is as wonderful as I hoped. I hope you have nice weather for all your weekends!

Unknown said...

Love my retirement even more!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River.

Karen said...

Oh dear, how mundane. Maybe should enlarge some of your bird photos and decorate the place with them!

Stephanie said...

At least you get natural light. The weekend will be here before you know it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is dreary and with no sun to shine that makes it worse, i am hoping you will be busy and not even think about looking out the window. i agree with Karen, hang a few bird pics BIG ones.

Fun60 said...

That time of the year. Sounds like you're suffering from the symptoms of SAD.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh Andrew, I'm old and have been retired for a million years, but remember those days. Oregon has a gray and rainy winter climate, very similar to yours, so I know!! --- November was my most hated month...dark when I went to work, dark when I came home. The Holidays brightened it some, but .....

Anyway, get outside at lunchtime if you can. And hang in there.

Kay L. Davies said...

It doesn't bear comparison with your backyard birds, and that window sure isn't your wonderful hole in the fence.

DeniseinVA said...

I hope your week goes quickly!

Brian King said...

I can see why you look forward to the weekend. That's the one big thing I dislike about winter...the shorter daylight hours.

Anonymous said...

Andrew, I can relate to your anguish. I used to waste away precious hours of every day of my life in a windowless dungeon of absolute boredom, doing the same tedious tasks day after day, week after week for more years than I want to remember. My goal now is to live out those same years in number being free and alive in the great outdoors. Doing that will be my redemption. Hang in there my friend, your time will come.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew I hate when the sun is streaming in and people wnat blinds pulled, for me it is awlful shutting out the sun.

Pantherka said...

We can be comforted by having at least one window ...

WE said...

Yes, I too looking forward weekend though it passed just 2 days back :)

Sondra said...

I know how you feel work place is even more dull than yours there is a door but THE boss controls whether its open or not even on nice days...
If I am able to return to work, which is doubtful....I will be retiring in 2015 I cant wait!!

HansHB said...

Great SWF post!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Hang in there, Andrew. For most of us, work sucks! Makes us appreciate our weekends and vacation time that much more!!

Honest Abe said...

At the moment, the sun is coming in and the cat and dog both enjoy it. I did promise my wife when we got married in 1955 that I would retire when I reach 40 years of age. I was 20 at the time. And, I went to work for a large corporation straight out of the Army and realized I would never be able to retire working for somebody else so I formed a corporation and ended up retiring at 41. During those years I and my new company were featured on page 1 of the Wall Street Journal and I was offered a television job, creating a 13-week television series and I did that and hosted it and the programs were seen on all PBS Stations. Then, I retired because I had signed a no compete clause in the contract for the TV series. I sold 3 books to M. Grumbacher Ltd and used the advance to have my office built on the back of my home and it is 24 by 26 feet and is where I sit and spend my days with my wife. We are both on the computers and have friends all over the world. I am 79 and she is 77. When I look out my office window I see everything from a Coopers Hawk to possum or raccoon.