Thursday, 31 October 2013

Unusual for a Grey Squirrel............................................................... it's white!

"Halloween ghost squirrel?"... and yes I really did see this today.

We went out for a drive this afternoon and had a short walk... my first for nearly seven weeks.
It was only for a few hundred yards in my local woods but a bit of fresh air and a change of scenery for me.

As we headed home this little squirrel scampered across the road in front of us... it was almost totally white.
 I've never seen one like this before but managed to capture this record shot.
It really stood out from the greys and I hope to go back and capture better images... and a video clip if I can.


Anonymous said...

Just dressed up for Halloween. When you go back he will have his grey suit back on.

Kay L. Davies said...

Fabulous gift for you for All Hallows' Eve, a nice walk and a Hallowe'en squirrel. Just super.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have seen photos of white squirrels but never seen one. and this one is great. you lucked out and just in time for Halloween ghost stories.

Anonymous said...

What a sight! He's really beautiful, Andrew.

TexWisGirl said...

awesome! great catch for today! casper the friendly ghost squirrel... :)

Our photos said...

Beautiful photo of white squirrel!
Greetings, RW & SK

Brian King said...

I've never seen a squirrel like that! Very cool find! Glad you got a photo of it!

Michelle said...

Wow! What a handsome/unique chap!

Stephanie said...

Great catch, he is beautiful having white fur.

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew... That is amazing!!
Maybe that's his Ghost outfit!!
Hope you get to see it again, and so glad you was able to get out a bit!!

Take Care

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew Great to hear you go out into the great outdoors and were able to walk a short distance and able to capture an unusual , interesting and wonderful shot. well done.

Phil Slade said...

A very coincidental Halloween sighting Andrew.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Around Enterprise, KS there is actually a race of white squirrels - not just an odd leucistic individual but an entire population. I remember being quite amazed when I saw them.....way back in the days when you had to put a roll of film in a camera!
Best wishes for a speedier and speedier recovery Andrew.

ADRIAN said...

Most apt.
Glad to see you are mobile again.

The Herald said...

Not a trick, but a see! Well spotted and snapped Andrew.
Glad to see that you're managing to get out and about again. I hope you can get back there soon for some more images...[;o)

Pantherka said...

Really beautiful, white squirrel I have not seen.
Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

Interesting catch!

worldwidehealth said...

Nice sharing. i like your blog. I am going to stumble it.Thanks.
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