Sunday 8 September 2013

A funny old week.................................................. I do my best to keep smiling

Apologies for not posting or commenting much this week... it's all been a bit hectic.

Watching the birds on my feeders this morning really cheered me up.

My knees are still giving me problems.
According to my doctor I have had an arthritic flare up in my right knee... very painful and swollen and because I have been putting my weight on my left leg that knee is now just as painful.
I had a blood test on Tuesday and when I got home from work on Wednesday had a message asking me to get in touch with the surgery urgently.
I rang first thing Thursday and within a few hours found myself in hospital having more tests.

Blue Tit

It appears the medication I have been taking for my knee swelling and pain is giving me liver problems.
So a change of painkillers and more tests to come over the next week or so... hopefully all will be fine.

Linking to Our World Tuesday and Wild Bird Wednesday


TexWisGirl said...

oh, i am sorry! for continued pain and, seemingly more dangerous, pill side effects!

ADRIAN said...

This doesn't sound good.
Ibuprofen for the inflammation, take a large whisky with it. If that doesn't work go to Spain and get two new knees.
There are very few British hospitals that are any good. Cheap and not a bit cheerful is what they are.

Good Luck.

Sharon Whitley said...

oh no not again! Really feel for you, hope it's sorted out soon!

Joop Zand said...

Beautiful pictures Andrew....and a nice header on your blog.

Greetings, Joop

MadSnapper said...

sorry to hear this Andrew, I hope they can find a better pill for you and figure out what is wrong and how to repair it. the birds are so cute and your header is awesome

Michelle said...

Best wishes for a better outcome of pill choices for you.

Stephanie said...

Great images! Hope you will be able to find some sort of remedy soon. I use Turmeric a and it helps.

Sondra said...

OH MY, I feel your pain, your knee pain leastwise...I hung my toe on a heavy rug and it wrenched my knee. ITS given me sold pain for almost 2 months now...I'm pretty certain its a torn is the only that is not going to happen any time soon!
HOPE it all gets balanced again.

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew.. OUCH!! what a bummer!!
I do hope this gets resolved for you!!


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh so sorry...I hope they find a substitute that works w/o side effects. Crud. A few years ago I glanced over at Bill one morning at the breakfast table and his eyes were as yellow as that bird you show. I screamed! It happened so fast as I was pretty sure I'd looked at him the day before (;>)) .off we went to the emergency ward and found it was one of the meds he was taking....scary. But they were able to cure that problem, substitute something for the medicine that caused it, and he has had no further problems.... So since they caught yours sooner, I bet there's a very good chance all will soon be OK.

Dave said...

Good luck Andrew...I like the idea of having a shot of whiskey for the pain. It's cheap and only a few minor side effects...headaches...nausea...

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew I Hope youo can get yuor mediation sorted out so you knees will impprove adn you will be pain free. Great clera shots from your feeders.

Rajesh said...

Great shots of beautiful birds.

Unknown said...

Hope you're up and around soon!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sylvia K said...

Hope you're feeling better soon, Andrew, and that things go better and more pain free soon!! Lovely captures for the day! Thanks for sharing!

Bob Bushell said...

Oh, that is terrible, you poor thing. Hope that you'll be better soon.

Pantherka said...

Beautiful images Andrew.
I still you are having problems ... I keep my fingers crossed!

Kay L. Davies said...

More than once in my life I've had to deal with awful side-effects from prescribed medications. One of them did a lot of damage, and the other made me very sick for a long time, but none of them knew what was happening until finally our family doctor suggested a change of medication. I hope your liver gets back to normal ASAP.
Love your bird photos, and always laugh when I see those yellow greenfinches. The Blue Tit is adorable, wish we had them here.

Cynthia said...

Hope you get your pain sorted out quickly. Nice birds you have to entertain you at your feeder.

EG CameraGirl said...

I hope your doctors find the right medication foe=r you soon! I'm glad the greenfinch cheered you up.

Anonymous said...

Sending lots of healing energy to you ~ Gorgeous photography of beautiful birds! ~ carol, xo

eileeninmd said...

Love the Greenfinch! I do hope you just have to change your medicine and all will be well. The knee surgery seems pretty common lately. Wishing you a happy week!

Unknown said...

I am sorry to hear about your health issues. I would love to take good photos of birds but I just don't have the patience for it. Any tips?

Brian King said...

I hate to hear that, Andrew! It's never fun when the medication that is supposed to be helping ends up causing other problems. I hope a change will abate the liver issue and your knees start to feel better.

Dave said...

I like the Whiskey comment, go for it A.....

Hope things clear up very soon mate, keep looking out to the garden its always a cheery site

Karen said...

Great shots Andrew. Sorry about your knees, hope the new meds help!

Anonymous said...

nice post thanks for sharing infant costume

Stewart M said...

This is not a good story - I have a small idea of what having trouble with knees is like - although I am dealing with ankle issues!

nice to see a greenfinch!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Unknown said...

I'm sorry about your health issues. I hope the change of medication will solve all problems. Great shots!

Findlay Wilde said...

It doesn't sound good about your knees so I hope they feel better soon. I haven;t been able to blog much either because of all my High School home work. There is loads of it. From Findlay

Wally Jones said...

We really enjoy your photos and information.

All the best from across the Pond and we truly hope you will soon have relief.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Beautiful little birds. Love that neat bird feeder in bottom photo.
Oh Andrew, I know what you are going through. Please take care!!! I am sharing this last bit of comment with everyone.
Sorry for my tardiness. Monday my bad knee gave way to a full Medial Meniscus tear and I am having Arthroscope done to help ease pain this Tuesday...doing life ;)

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Wonderful photos!

Sylvia K said...

I am so sorry for the pain and hope you get better soon. I do love your little birds! Wonderful captures for the day!! Take care!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely shots. So sorry to hear you're not feeling so good.