Sunday, 4 August 2013

A pretty expensive Flower Pot..........................................................................

Inspired by the flower beds at Arley Hall last weekend we visited a few garden centres looking for plants to attract bees and butterflies while adding height and colour to the garden.

We managed to get a few bargains that hopefully will do the job...
... it was then just a matter of getting them home in one piece.

 ... too tall for the boot the roof had to come down to put them on the back seat.

It was raining on and off so the roof was raised before we drove home... 
... the flower perfumed aroma was so intoxicating during our journey home in the mobile flower pot.

I hope to recreate something like this.
I have big dreams... this section of summer bedding at Arley is actually larger than my little garden.

For more of Arley Hall gardens please scroll down and read my last 3 posts.

Our World Tuesday


TexWisGirl said...

that's a full back seat. :) hope they do well for you!

eileeninmd said...

What a creative way to display your flowers! They are lovely.

Wiesław Zięba said...

It looks nice car with flowers. This cheerful.

Bob Bushell said...

What a nice car!!!!!!!

Sondra said...

Thats SO cool looking Andrew I hope your garden works out beautifully, you made some great selections!

jeanlivingsimple said...

I like planter and flowers. :)

Brian King said...

For just a split second, I thought someone had planted flowers in an old car...then I saw the other photos. LOL! Beautiful flowers!

Dan said...

Lol !

I had the same thought as Brian.

Very cool illusion... whether it was intentional or not.

All the best with your gardens.

MoiCLouLou said...

Beautiful flowers! I would surely find them a spot in my garden. The last picture is one of a superb garden "À l'anglaise" as we french people say sometimes. The kind of garden I am trying to have here too... :)
Have a nice week!
Louise, Canada

Stephanie said...

Gorgeous flowers! Love how they looked in the car.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That's a beautiful back seat! I bet you got a lot of smiles as you drove home. You have a beautiful 'role model' garden there...

Kay L. Davies said...

A lovely assortment of flowers you have there, and I'm sure you'll recreate your own, smaller, version of that gorgeous garden!

Anonymous said...

It is amazing what can be done starting with big dreams.

holdingmoments said...

Just park the car in the garden Andrew. Looks great.

Joop Zand said...

You can bring it to me....hahaha.

Good shots Andrew.

The Herald said...

I hope you watered them in well for the journey home Andrew? A great selection there, I guess your garden will soon be opening to the public then?..[;o)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my kind of flower pot

Carver said...

The flowers look great filling up the car and I love the shots of the flowers at Arley Hall.

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful flowers and you do have a car full!! A glimpse of your garden to be!! Great shots for the day, Andrew!!

sweetbriardreams said...

I've done this before with a whole backseat looking like the Botanical Gardens! Good luck with the perfect creation!

Unknown said...

I get the butterflies and even the Dragonflies. They're a welcome addition to the birds. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Arija said...

Lovely selection Drew, Penstemon, Phlox and Gauera if I am not mistakes, with more thrown in. I hope you drove VERY carefully to avoid wind stress.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrew Dream big, you won't be disappointed.

Fun60 said...

Giant oaks from little acorns grow.

Karen said...

Oh, plant them in the car, they look fabulous ;)

Cynthia said...

Good luck gardening. They sure look lovely in the car!

Liz Needle said...

Those gardens are wonderful. Would that I had the time and the water to create something as awesome as that.