Tuesday, 9 July 2013

The Woodpigeons............................... putting on a demonstration of Kung Fu

The Woodpigeons in my garden have been having a tiff for a few days now.

They make plenty of noise with all the wing slapping...

...and the posturing between scraps reminded me old Bruce Lee movies.

I managed a short video clip... please turn up the volume to appreciate the racket they make.
I have added a bit of slow motion... for effect?

I was going to have Carl Douglas singing "Kung Fu Fighting" over the clip but decided the birds own flapping and slapping made for a better soundtrack.

As it's the 1st anniversary of Wild Bird Wednesday I would like to thank Stewart for taking up the baton from  Springman when his World Bird Wednesday came to an end.
I have friendships all over the planet thanks to us all sharing our feathered friends every week.
So I will raise a glass to Stewart and... Happy Birthday Wild Bird Wednesday


Findlay Wilde said...

The slow motion bit is so cool. From Findlay

EG CameraGirl said...

Ha! Kung Fu indeed!

The Herald said...

Great video work Andrew, love the slo-mo sequence...[;o)

Unknown said...

Wow they are great fighters-at least black belts. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Bob Bushell said...

Always sqwabbling. Though, they are beautiful.

TexWisGirl said...

i like that 2nd shot. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

36 seconds of awesome... and i agree, the flapping was impressive.. i love the color of their heads and when in air they look transparent

FAB said...

Nice bit of video Andrew ... reminded me of some recent action around here!

mick said...

A great series of photo and video showing all that birdy action!

Brian King said...

It does look like they're Kung Fu fighting! Cool video!

eileeninmd said...

Cool photos, I like the slapping noises! Great video!

Karen said...

The second shot had me laughing! Great video Andrew!

Anonymous said...

Gee, they sure had a problem with each other over something. A female perhaps?

Neil said...

Great series.

Unknown said...

Great shots and the video was fun.

Pantherka said...

Video is great Andrew.

Anonymous said...

Great stills and video showing the fierce action!

Dave said...

I'm impressed that you remembered Carl Douglas!

Arija said...

Dear, oh dear, the feathers were flying . . . who won??
Great little video, especially with the slow motion bit.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Nature is always better than man-made, Andrew!...:)JP

Gemma Wiseman said...

What a posturing performance! Clearly there is a social hierarchy in the feathered world! Love the spread wings in the first photo!