Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Sharing afternoon tea at Arley Hall...................................... with the sparrows

We had a refreshment break after wandering around the gardens at Arley Hall... tea and scones.
Please scroll down a post to view the gardens.

 Tea for two...

...a table outside...

...and scones with lashings of cream and strawberry jam.

The sparrows at the restaurant are very cheeky.

...picking up all the tit bits from under the tables...

...even perching on the bench beside me hoping for a feed.

Please scroll down to see my last post for more images of Arley Hall and Gardens.
I also have more images of the flowers and butterflies to share... 


Brian King said...

They know where the food is!

Michelle said...

Delightful tea companions.

The Herald said...

I hope you did two more laps of the garden to work off all those calories after that cream tea Andrew. It did look good though!!
Those Sparrows soon learn where there's a chance of free meal!...[;o)

mick said...

The afternoon tea outside looks great and the cheeky little sparrow look to be a perfect addition.

TexWisGirl said...

they're very cute!

Unknown said...

Boy that scone and cream looks good. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

eileeninmd said...

I think the birds know where the good food is. The scone does look yummy! Great shots!

Bob Bushell said...

Nice and tasty, the scones ofcourse. And Sparrows, getting a free one.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew You are making me hungry looking at those lovely scones!! Sparrows are always up for getting any foods that's going. I have also a tea companion that you will find on my post tomorrow,(Wed.) Check it out as I think it will surprise you!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you and the birds had a lovely day!

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew...Oh boy do those scones look great, nice lady to enjoy them with!! : )
These birds are great beggars, we have so many here !!
Your previous post has beautiful gardens!!

Anonymous said...

No more scones, please! Not nice to tease us like that. I like that butterfly in your header photo Andrew. Striking.

Karen said...

Love the company you keep! Did they enjoy the scones?

Rajesh said...

You had the company of little sparrow. Great shots.

Unknown said...

Great shots! Sparrows are cute, but they can be a bit too cheeky sometimes.

Stewart M said...

Nice looking afternoon tea! (And sparrows!)

I have a plan to get some Tree Sparrows in a similar location - but I keep getting distracted by the cake!

Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW

Stewart M - Melbourne

PS: I added another image to the WBW - I forgot last night!

Phil Slade said...

I'll bet those sparrows never leave those tables Andrew.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wait, don't drink your tea, I mailed you a mosquito for it.. LOL and i think those birds KNOW you are The Bird Man Photographer...and they have a beautiful garden to live in

i stora drag said...

Nice photos of your afternoon tea and all those sparrows! We also have a lot of them here in Sweden.
Greetings Pia

Pantherka said...

Andrew, tea and scones for two ... super :-)
A sparrow ... too :-)

Hootin Anni said...

Nice...I like the cute sparrows keeping ya'll company. And loved you sharing your tea time.

This is Anni @ I'd rather b birdin'...just in my personal blog admin today [Hootin' Anni]. I'm too lazy to switch. :o)

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Lashings? Learned a new phrase. We'd say "a shmear." Typically used when referring to cream cheese on a bagel. But the meanings are equivalent.