Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Greenfinch.......................................................................... I am getting closer

I recently shared a shot I took through the window of the Greenfinch that visits my garden.

 Well early this morning I managed to get a shot with the window open... 
...it's a flighty bird and disappears at the slightest movement... this is my best effort to date.

Wild Bird Wednesday


The Herald said...

Well captured Andrew, it's definitely keeping it's eye on you!...[;o)

TexWisGirl said...

what a beauty!

eileeninmd said...

It is beautiful bird, great shot!

Bob Bushell said...

It's a beautiful shot Andrew.

Anonymous said...


Carole M. said...

isn't it a buzz when you can pick up shots like this; beautiful bird

Noushka said...

Very encouraging indeed!
Well done!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Very pretty- love the splashy yellow color on these birds.