Saturday 15 June 2013

The feeders are all topped up............. and guess who was first on the scene?

I had put out some seed on the path for the Woodpigeons and other ground feeders... 

... but my garden "hoover" decided to try out the feeders.

To the annoyance of the House Sparrows...

...and Robin.

It was good to get back to watching my garden birds... it's been a busy week.

Linking to Camera Critters and The Bird D'pot


  1. Beautiful photos. I love the robin!

  2. The Jackdaws are the first on my feeders at the moment. The Wood Pigeons have to wait until the Jackdaws have finished. from Findlay

  3. the first and the last are my favorites today

  4. Backyard birds provide hours of entertainment.Good post. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. I get a few Wood Pigeons here Andrew, and they're great for picking up the fallen seed. :-)

  6. Watching birds is always relaxing. Watching your photos too!

  7. Chuckling here! The "hoover" seems to be well known in my world too! Always there to scrounge for leftovers! Adore this series of photos and the commentary!

  8. is indeed a good feeling to be in wind back mode at home base ..and enjoy. Glad the sun was shining for some more of your lovely bird photographs; they sure get fed up well Drew

  9. These images are awesome. Around our yard and feeders, at least this time of year, all we have are doves and sparrows. And during the migration they too are the first to arrive.

  10. Lovely photos, Andrew.

  11. Beautiful photos, I love the robin!
