Sunday, 23 June 2013

Mealworms............................................................. my garden birds love them

I have only recently been getting Magpies in my garden... coincides with me putting mealworms out on a regular basis. 

The Magpies are very wary of any sign of me but I have seen up to four at a time.

 The House Sparrows are all over my feeders at the moment... with lots of juveniles.

They love the fatballs and seed feeders...  but are just as happy munching away on the mealworms.

Robin is a fan... even in the rain.

" How many.....? "

I'm guessing the Blackbird has young mouths to least I hope he's sharing.

 A new visitor to the garden this year arrived yesterday.
 I had Song Thrushes nesting last year.
This one has been in and out a few times... lovely birds to see.

Linking to The Bird D'pot


TexWisGirl said...

the blackbird made me laugh. LOVE that handsome magpie! wow!

Unknown said...

Fantastic shots! I love the robin and all the rest of the birds.

Anonymous said...

I love that magpie. I won't see one here in Florida. Great shots all around!

Bob Bushell said...

I get my mealworms and as soon as ever, Starlings eat them all. And now the Starlings have reproduced.

Giga said...

Śliczne, a moim faworytem jest rudzik. Pozdrawiam.
Beautiful, and my favorite is the robin. Yours.

Carole M. said...

yes you're having a lovely variety and I'm sure that Blackbird must have the little mouths to feed too. They know they can rely on you, looking after the population; well done 'Drew

Anonymous said...

I think you may have to take a second job to pay for all those mealworms.

Pantherka said...

Beautiful shots Andrew.

holdingmoments said...

Those mealworms are a real favourite.
I put them out late, for my hedgehog, but somehow the 2 Magpies seem to know when and where I put them lol

Noushka said...

Brilliant idea and results!
You won't believe me: I have been looking for those meal worms here, even in fishing shops, to no avail.
Isn't is crazy??
Cheers Andrew!

Unknown said...

They are cool to see. Thanks so much for sharing.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Interesting to see so many birds going for the mealworms. I bought dried ones as I couldn't stand the thought of putting wiggling worms out and the birds either haven't found them or don't care for them dead.
The birding store told me the birds loved them either way. I assume yours were live?

eileeninmd said...

A real mouthful, the birds do seem to love the meal worms. The last shot of the Song Thrush is my favorite.

Unknown said...

Great series!! Those worms really work. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

EG CameraGirl said...

AH! You know a great secret for making yourself popular!