Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Birds on a wire............................................................................ Sand Martins

I managed to get a few images of Sand Martins by the River Weaver at Duttons Lock.

This is an adult with one of it's youngsters... it was still being fed by it's parent.

Sand Martins are known as Bank Swallows on the other side of the Atlantic.

I see them nesting in the man-made bank at Haydn's Pool but they are too far away to photograph.
Seeing them this close was fantastic 

There are also loads of Barn Swallows at the locks and some are nesting in the old shipwreck.

I hope to share some images of them coming and going soon.

A bit of sad news to end this post... the Mute Swans nest we had been keeping an eye on with five eggs has been abandoned by the female...  according to the lock keeper she hasn't been seen for a few days.
The nest does look like it's been disturbed... we could still see four of the eggs.

Skywatch Friday


Nancy said...

We're seeing lots of babies at the feeders being nurtured by their parents too. Nice to see.

So sorry about the swan -- that's disturbing.

Unknown said...

The swallows are gorgeous. Sad about the swan.

FAB said...

Nicely captured Andrew. I don't get any Sand Martins on my patch.

Undercarriage down in the 3rd image .. looking a bit precarious!

Sad news about the missing mother Swan.

TexWisGirl said...

sweet little swallows. sorry about the nest, though.

Bob Bushell said...

Precious Sand Martins, and I'm sad about your Swan having it's left her nest.

Carole M. said...

I was wondering if the little sand martin quite made it to the wire; looking like a crash landing coming up - legs out. Sorry to hear about the abandoned swan's nest; it is dissapointing to watch on and wonder

Michelle said...

That is sad news about the swan. Though nice to see the parent/child swallows.

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew... Great opportunity with the Sand Martins shot's !!
Junior looks like he is doing a free fall : )
Love the idea that they are using the old ship for nesting how cute!!

Brian King said...

Fantastic shots, Andrew! Very nice!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

These are really great shots... love the clarity and detail.

Noushka said...

Great shots!
Not that common to shoot such scenes, well done!

holdingmoments said...

Great captures of the Sand Martins; but sad news about the swans.

Merisi said...

Such lovely images!

I am so sorry about the abandoned swan nest!

HansHB said...

A great serie for the sky-theme!
Well done!

eileeninmd said...

Cool captures of the swallows! It is sad news about the swan nest!

Zandarmid Photography said...

Sorry to hear about the swans. Great shots, though!

Jim said...

Amazing captures.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are amazing, Andrew.. that first one actually made me gasp when i saw it... super shots

Kay L. Davies said...

Your swan post came up at the top, so I'm not as sad as I would have been if reading this first.
I love the shot of the old rusting hulk, but that mother bird feeding her youngster almost in mid-air is just fantastic.
Coming via Skywatch Friday, and so glad I did.

Appleton wildlife diary said...

I love your photos

Dan said...

Cool behavioural shots, Andrew!