Sunday, 2 June 2013

A weekend spent messing about on the river...................................................

I have spent all weekend on my local river the River Weaver.

Stopping off along the way to walk around to watch and enjoy the local wildlife.
Great Crested Grebes were nest building... I have captured some video clips.
It will take me a while to put something worth sharing together... but they were comical to watch.

We have been watching this Mute Swans nest for a couple of weeks now.

There are five eggs and the nest is close to Dutton Locks... but easier to see from the bank than the water.
 I will keep you informed over the coming weeks on both the Swans and the Grebes.
It's been a lovely weekend... lots of images to sort through and hopefully some more worth sharing.

linking to Our World Tuesday and Skywatch Friday

Back to my blog... rambles with a camera


Unknown said...

Beautiful photos :)

Carole M. said...

nice to spend a weekend exploring and finding like you did 'Drew. The grebes are somewhat comical to look at so I can imagine that their antics are too. Great snap of the swans nest and eggs.

TexWisGirl said...

just love the colors in those grebes!

Dan said...

Wonderful captures!

Michelle said...

Love the swan.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

Andrew, awesome shots. i love those clouds. so great!! ( :
i don't think i have ever seen a Great Crested Grebes before. nice looking feathers. colors.

Anonymous said...

That grebe is amazing! You really caught his colors. Hope the swan eggs do well.

Brian King said...

Great shots! The grebe is spectacular!

Bruce Clark said...

Very nice shots...good details and exposure.

Anonymous said...

Amazing that you are able to get so close to their nests, or that they make their nests so close to where humans roam.

Wally Jones said...

For me, any time on the water is a good thing!
Looks like a beautiful river. Great photos of your nesting birds!

Unknown said...

Beautiful shots!

The Herald said...

A great way to spend the weekend Andrew. Nice to see the 'nesters' I hope they're all successful!...[;o)

Anni said...

Wow, I'm so jealous. To see, in the first place, just a swan...OMGoodness. And then to top it off, a nest?!! Lucky lucky you.

Sorry I didn't get around to visiting power due to storms!!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

That grebe looks fabulous! Beautiful location shot too.

Unknown said...

That Grebe is a great shot!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Fun60 said...

That's a great picture of the eggs. Hope they all hatch.

Anna said...

What's nature beautiful... great pictures, Andrew!
Love it very much...
Warm greetings from Holland,

Randi said... your shot of the Grebe!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I can't imagine a better place to mess around. The nest is wonderful.

eileeninmd said...

I just love this Grebe and the swan is beautiful. Lovely shots.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

What superb photos, you make me wish I had bought the 100-400 lens instead of the 70 - 200 I got

Kim, USA said...

Such an awesome photos!!


DeniseinVA said...

Fabulous Andrew, lovely sharp close ups of the birds and those swan eggs.
Happy SkyWatch Friday :)
An English Girl Rambles

Anonymous said...

What a lovely series of shots - each one better than the last...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the eggs are fantastic, what a great shot and I like that swan. River Weaver is a place i would love