Monday 22 April 2013

Starlings.......................................................... beautiful birds to see up close

I have a pair of Starlings that have become regular visitors to my garden.

Starling (Sturnus vulgaris).
They are nesting in my neighbours roof space... thankfully not mine.

They were enjoying the meal worms I put out for them.

I feed them by my patio doors... it gives me the opportunity to see them up close.

It was a shame it was such a dull day...
...a bit of sunshine would have shown off more of their iridescent plumage.

Starlings aren't everyone's cup of tea... but I really love seeing them.


  1. they are beautiful! love their little heart-shaped patterns on their bellies.

  2. good thinking Drew to drop those mealworms nearby where you can view the starlings up close. It's really nice that you admire these birds for who they are ...and yes, good they're not in you're roof.

  3. Lovely Starling images Andrew.

  4. A curious bird with an appetite... and fun to watch.

  5. Starlings get a bad rap, but I think they are quite beautiful. I have heaps of them in my yard this spring, and I am enjoying seeing their multicoloured feathers shine when the sun hits them a certain way.

  6. Great shots! They're beautiful in the sunlight! You can take ours back if you'd like. They displace our native birds and take over nesting sites. Trade you for the squirrels? :-)

  7. Busy little one!And you got great close ups!I'm enchanted by the bird in your header, so cute! :)
    purrs and love
    Luna - We love Luna and mommy Léia

  8. They are pretty, just a nuisance. great shots!

  9. Beautiful colours!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  10. I have a few shots of these birds taken during my Europe tours. I find them beautiful.
    Great shots!

  11. Nice to see Andrew, I bet they made short work of those meal!...[;o)

  12. Gorgeous captures of the starlings, Andrew!
    Love those oil colors of them...
    Warm greetings from Holland,

  13. They are really pretty. You caught their detail so nice. Most people around here treat them like crows and pigeons.

  14. Nice close shots of rlings. Sometimes it is easy not to notice how beautiful such a common bird may be.

  15. Even on a dull day, their markings are quite spectacular. Just wait when there are 20-50 of them nesting in all you neighbours and your roof as well.
    For some 10 years we had them nesting in the roofs of our horse shelters. By the score they get to be just a tad too much.

  16. Meal worms are a real hit - we had an over supply of them when I was still a science teacher and the magpies (a sort of butcher birds, rather then a crow) in my garden loved them!

    Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  17. I have a small flock of Starlings that visit my feeders all winter and I enjoy them ... and I agree with the right lighting they can be beautiful. In the spring, however, my little flock becomes a very big flock and they devour all of my seed, peanuts and suet bullying the rest of the smaller birds out. Then I don't like them so much. I do know that they are just doing what it takes to survive, so I don't hold a grudge, but I do feel badly for my little birds ... Great pictures :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  18. Beautiful photos! Never seen these birds photographed so well!

  19. I agree that starlings are stunning birds when you look properly at them - I sometimes get flocks of them coming into the garden and there is a pair nesting in my neighbours roof too!
