Wednesday 24 April 2013

Long-tailed Tit................................................................................................

The nights are getting lighter and brighter as I return home from work... it gives time to use the video camera.
Last night I captured a couple of Goldfinches... tonight it was a solitary Long-tailed Tit.

Probably the cutest little bird I get to see in my garden.
The clip is just under a minute in length... just the bird feeding so no need to watch it all if you are in a hurry.


  1. really tucking into it too; you offer them a great spot to call in Drew

  2. Nice video! Very nice that you get so many species in your garden!

  3. they are adorable little things - perhaps outdone in cuteness only by the fairy wrens in australia. :)

  4. Great little visitors Andrew.
    Always put a smile on my face.

  5. Very cute. I enjoyed the video clip. :)

  6. It's always good to see these little beauties visit the garden Andrew...[;o)
