Monday 4 March 2013

The latest visitor to my log feeder...................................... a female Blackbird

I made my own log feeder back in October while I was off work with my original knee problems.
Yesterday I watched as the female Blackbird launched herself up to feed on the fat balls and suet blocks...
 ...they are normally ground feeders so it was amusing to watch.

...and here she is pretending to be one of the Tit's... my lovely female Blackbird

I have been looking back through my pics to see how many different birds I have captured on the log.
 Mrs Blackbird became the 6th bird species... here are the others.

Coal Tit


... and yes he does know how to use the perches.

Blue Tit

Great Tit

Long-tailed Tit


I have also seen House Sparrows on it but don't appear to have taken a pic... I must put that right.
Back to the hospital tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday) to see the physiotherapist... should give me some idea how I am progressing.

Linking to Our World Tuesday and Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. hope you get a good report card! :)

  2. I wish that I had one of those feeders. Good luck with the physio.

  3. beautiful photos each one; I especially like the long-tailed tit. Hope you get good results tomorrow Drew, best wishes

  4. That Blackbird managed really well on your log feeder. From Findlay

  5. I love that feeder! You had lots of great visitors. Good luck tomorrow.

  6. Terrific shots of your world.

  7. Beautiful!! So many different birds. Love the little Robin and the Blackbird.

  8. That looks like a great idea, Andrew; you must have something yummy in there. I love your little robins--so different from ours. Hope that knee keeps getting better.

  9. Great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  10. I like the look of that feeder - and I definitely like all the birds that come in to it. Hope the knee is progressing well.

  11. Great collection of birds, the feeder is nice. The robin is one of my favorites.

  12. Interesting to see the blackbird up there. Like the design of your feeder.

  13. Love your birds and that is a great feeder!! Wonderful look at your world, Andrew! Thanks for sharing!

  14. The other birds look right at home, but the blackbird is borderline too big to fit. Great shots! Glad that feeder has been getting well used.

  15. You caught some real beauties! The feeder looks wonderful. Best of luck with the physio! (I used to run and have bad knees, I know it's not fun).

  16. Wow that is a very practical and lovely 'invention', so natural. I love the way everybody perch on it naturally, so you got your wish, beautiful photos as if on cue!

  17. Lovely bird pictures. It must be a great experience to have a bird feeder in the backyard!!

  18. Your bird photos are out of this world! Hope you'll get good news from the hospital!

  19. These images are spectacular, you are very talented with your camera and these birds are gorgeous, thanks for sharing!
    Your blog is really interesting!Congratulations!

  20. Wonderful feeder and great bird shots.

  21. That feeder certainly looks to be popular Andrew. Great set of images.

    Good luck with today's hospital visit...[;o)

  22. Not a bad TV show to watch while you get your knees sorted!

    Nice pictures.

    Glad you liked the wordy post.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  23. I like your birdfeeder, I think I can make one of those!
    Also, Excellent bird pictures!

  24. What a great range of birds you show us. They surtenly love your feeder:)

  25. I have one of those feeders but rarely fill it. We get the Long-tailed Tits but they just peck around for a minute and then pass on next-door (or wherever). Perhaps the log would encourage them to stick around a bit longer.

  26. Lovely photos.
    Creative birdfeeder!

  27. Beautiful pictures of the birds. Seems you kept yourself busy while away from work.

  28. Great dexterity from that Blackbird. Your having so much success with your feeder that I think I might just have a go at building one myself.

  29. She knows where the food is! :)
    A lovely series Andrew.

    Hoping your hospital visit goes well. If you've been keeping up with those exercises you should get a good report. Take care.

  30. You have a great variety of bird coming to that feeder. I have never seen a robin after suet before.

  31. Looks like a simple yet effective feeder. I like the idea!

  32. Wow! So interesting to see the variety of birds from different areas.

    Best of luck with your health. I've had bilateral Oxford knees; had them 4 years ago. It took a bit of getting used to, but I'm doing great now.

  33. Great images and I always enjoy your homemade log feeders, and they really seem to work out so well too~

  34. Andrew, this is a beautiful series of images!

  35. What a lovely bunch of visitors! Luck you.

  36. I am not able to comment on your Dubai post!
