Wednesday, 6 February 2013

My knees.......................................................................................... an update

I apologize for my lack of posts and comments recently but I am struggling to get out and about.
You may be aware I have had a problem with my left knee since late August 2012.
Well six months later I finally had a meeting with a surgeon this morning.

I am going to have surgery on both my knees three weeks from today.
 (apparently my better right knee is worse for wear than the painful left one)
Cartilage removal by keyhole surgery should alleviate my problems for a couple of years... but knee replacements may be inevitable... I also have signs of arthritis.
I hope to be up and running (plodding) as soon as possible and aim to blog and comment more soon.


TexWisGirl said...

i am sorry to hear that surgery is required, but hopeful that it alleviates your problems for a while!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

You are speaking to a very large choir ... As we are now able to live longer, our joints and limbs take a beating that they didn't used to have to. Knee replacements, hip replacements, even ankle replacements ... the good news is, that everyone I know that has had surgery to alleviate painful joints has had success and are wondering why they waited so long to do it. Good luck to you ... I wish you well and hope to see you back even if you have to plod.

Andrea @ From The Sol

Michelle said...

Best of luck to you with your surgery!

Carole M. said...

..seems to be a pattern in life as the years tick by, more and more of us needs to be attended to in differing ways. The inevitable surgery hopefully will be a good interim intervention. Take care of you 'Drew!

Brian King said...

I hate to hear that, Andrew. Surgery is certainly no fun, but I hope it helps you so you can move about easily again.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Best of luck with your knee surgeries. I'm fortunate that my knees are good, but lots of arthritis in my lower back and hips... seems like it's always something, doesn't it??

Gillian Olson said...

I am sorry to hear that you are still having trouble with your knees, but glad that there is treatment in the not too distant future.
I hope all goes well. Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Well in the end you will be much better off. Do keep us all posted as to how you are getting along and the aftermath of the surgery. Maybe you could have the surgeon take some pictures and... no never mind. I'd get queasy and faint.

Unknown said...

Shite :-(
I hear you on the knee problems :-(
Hopefully you can prolong an operation for several more years!
Best wishes!

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Andrew:
This all sounds to be very distressing and not a little painful we are sure. WE do hope that the proposed surgery will bring some much needed relief.

Unknown said...

Well Andrew, I wish you a speedy recovery!

Bob Bushell said...

I hope that everything is alright with you, it was be long needed.

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew..Wooo look at those legs sorry that you are going through this especially since you love being out in nature!!
I had the same surgery about 5 years got to the point that my knee would give out from under me ooch!!
So I have a bit of an idea what your talking about! Both knees ooch,but the surgery for me was a blessing, knock on wood, oh there is arthritis in both knees but bearable!
I do hope everything gets better for you!!
Good luck with your surgery!
All my best to you


Horst in Edmonton said...

Hi Andrew, hope your surgery is successful. I am due for surgery around April or May, for my right hip this time (hip replacement). Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Sending positive thoughts your way. I have a friend who had both knees replaced at once. Surgery went extremely well and she was up and about in no time. In fact, she looked taller and like she lost 10 pounds. With the wonders of technology, this initial surgery should go very well. All the best!

Susan said...

Sexy knees dude! Even if they do need surgery. Sore knees are the pits, especially when you enjoy getting out and about! I know!
I hope things get better real soon!

Pantherka said...

Andrew, it's terrible ... :-(
I wish you, whether you everything goes well!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Sorry to know you need surgery, but I bet you'll be fine after. Knee scars are quite prevalent here in our retirement village .

Maya said...

I am so sorry to hear about the problems in your knees. Wishing you a speedy recovery - let those doctors and nurses and family members take care of you!! Try not to fight them too much :) And we'll look forward to seeing more of your beautiful posts :)

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that you have to go through this, Andrew. As we get older, our body naturally suffers wear and tear, and no one is exempt from it. Even athletes and fitness buffs experience injuries and have to struggle in recovery. On a positive note, surgery deals with the issues and could bring you to 100% health. I hope everything went well with your surgery. :)
