Sunday, 13 January 2013

The Regal Cinema........................................................ demolition in progress

I had a wander into town this morning to take a few images of the old Regal Cinema before it was knocked down completely.

The whole area is being redeveloped alongside the River Weaver as it flows through the town centre.
You may remember I did a post about the floating hotel that used to be on the left of this picture.

So far the demolition team have only removed the back of the old cinema.

This is were the screen was... you can make out the three rows of steps where the posh seats used to be.

The land in the front of this image used to be a car park and marina... the marina was originally a ship builders in times gone past.

The marina has also been demolished to make way for the new development... 
...this is what it used to look like.

This is what it looked like this morning... I have been doing a bit of research since I got home and it appears they are building a supermarket plus housing on the site but are also building a new marina.
The images below are mock ups of the finished article.

It looks a lot better than empty buildings but I didn't think we needed another supermarket... 
...we already have quite a few.
Another area of town not far from here is also having a makeover... I will have a look there next weekend.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the new development looks really great. hope it turns out to be that way...

Anonymous said...

Progress. There's not much that can be said for it. Sometimes good and sometimes not. Have to wait and see.

The Herald said...

The mock ups look good Andrew I hope the development is as good in real life!! I guess Waitrose are paying a big chunk of money for the privalage!...[;o)

Dave said...

superb post Andrew, "times are a changing"

TexWisGirl said...

'progress' :)

Carole M. said...

change is almost inevitable as population grows and needs housing, and then facilities. I'm sure the new complex will be a great asset to the community over time. Your today photos will marry up nicely with the completed photographs one day Drew

Mary Howell Cromer said...

It is always nostalgic to see old things torn down, and yet also nice to know that a revitalization will take place with the new. Beautiful images. Have a Happy week~

Brian King said...

I would hate for the marina to be gone for good, but if they're going to build another one that's good, at least. Replacing the theater with a supermarket isn't quite the same.

Michelle said...

Having a supermarket instead of a theater just isn't the same thing.

Hilke Breder said...

That was an ugly building and good to be gone, although a supermarket for a building filled with childhood dreams, it's not a good trade. But you have your memories which will get more precious with time and still seeing the actual building would just get in the way.

Anonymous said...

Makes me rather sad... progress I guess... I'm so glad you came by to share on Weekly Top Shot #65!

Anonymous said...

at first I too felt nostalgic seeing the demolition but whatever happens is for the good !
Northants Demolition